In time Kay would see the truth and reality of what he was saying, but right now her mind was racing with so many thoughts and feelings, she couldn't fully sort through them all to see straight. "I.. I'm sorry John, I don't mean to be rude, there's just so much going through my head, I can't compute it all. If you wanna smoke, go ahead, I'm hardly gonna stop you when this is your home" she added, finally stopping her pacing and looking at him. Her grey blue eyes looking more grey than blue as they seemed to change with her mood. "I'm gonna step outside for some air.. I need to get my thoughts into place" she told him. She didn't plan on going far, just to the front door but she hoped if she went outside she would be able to calm down more. Chas nodded and started walking in with her, "I agree. Something just feels so off with this place." he agreed with her, reaching the gate to which he scanned in the id card to get them both inside. It didn't take too much effort to get far enough in which took them round and behind a couple of security guards. Using signs, he told her to take the one on the left whilst he went for the one on the right. If they could knock them out, they could use their uniforms and ID badges to get where the nurses and doctors couldn't. He also figured as the security had baseball caps, it would help disguise their faces from any cameras around.