Yuri was always amazed by the power his boyfriend displayed. In truth, Remy was so much more powerful than he imagined, he just needed to push himself to believe in his own inner power. Yuri tried to let him know at every chance that he was incredible and he wondered if Remy heard him or just brushed it off as a compliment from someone who liked him, a lot. Yuri continued to hold Remy even when the students were trying to figure out the best course of action with handling Madame Muir. Sure, they could leave, but the wards that protected the institute were of high level and the sentinels that guarded the place weren't pushovers. Still, Yuri could handle it. He knew the secrets and the ways around it to get them out, but if he got them out then they would need to push and move quickly. When he displayed his power, it was noticeable, it could be felt, and it would surely alert Madame Muir. He softly spoke in Remy's ear. "[color=7bcdc8]Are you alright?[/color]" He wanted to make sure Remy was okay first. Using emotion-based abilities could drain the caster, and that was the reason he kept a warm comforting hold on Remy. Another reason was too explicit to mention, but he did enjoy the closeness and scent of the man in his arms. The way his muscles tensed when touched in certain places. Yuri quickly snapped back to reality and sighed as he looked at Emelia and Lithy. "[color=7bcdc8]I'll do it. I'll create a path for us to get out. We all need to stay focused. Understood? Once we are at Black Hill Top we can set into motion making allies and figuring out how to deal with your mom Emelia.[/color]" Yuri rested his chin lovingly on Remy's shoulder and interlaced his fingers with Remy's. "[color=7bcdc8]Don't overexert yourself, babe. As much as I'd love to carry you, I don't want you to hurt yourself. Besides, we can revisit those chains and whips later if you want.[/color]"