[@GrizzTheMauler][@Hitman][@King Cosmos] [color=ff9160]”Huh...”[/color] That snake sure didn’t last long. Oh well. [color=ff9160]”Right- yeah let’s get out of here. Anyway, I’m S- the fuck?”[/color] A raven emerged of nowhere above Sam’s head, which damn near careened into his face. Behind him emerged a couple of guys, one claiming to recognize the god of which San was the communicator. One had Ansuz over his eye. The other didn’t seem to be talking much. [color=ff9160]”Hey. Yeah, my name is Sam, I’m Bragi’s mouthpiece. Anyway, I’m guessing we’re all here for the same thing right? Might as well get through it together so we don’t wind up like-“[/color] He made a zombie-arm impression with his hands [color=ff9160]-Those guys out in the snow.” [/color] He joked following the rest with the acoustic bludgeoning instrument over his shoulder. The way ahead wasn’t terribly long, just a stone corridor to a stone gate. The one with the torch pushed it open as light poured in. Warmth seemed to creep up as the doors showed something out of a movie. A grand castle hundreds of feet below them, and...other communicators? [color=ff6130]”God damn. Bragi, this is what we’re here for right?”[/color] [b]“Yes.”[/b] [color=ff6130]”Damn, how do we-“[/color] Teddy’s hand shot out a bunch of bandages like a rope down to the ground. That was a pretty neat ability to have, too bad we couldn’t hang it anywhere. [color=ff6130]”Hm, wait- I know what to!”[/color] Sam remarked as he slung his guitar around to knock off some notes. Only three. As he did, a pair of glowing orange tunes lit up in front of everybody, they were Isa, Nauthiz, and Thurisaz. [color=ff6130]”Let’s see if this- works!”[/color] He declared with a grunting sound as he slammed the neck of his guitar into the rocks at their feet like a spear. The instrument embedded itself in the rock with such rigidity that you’d swear it was apart of it. That was because the runes he strung together created a magic spell that made the ground rigid, the guitar unmoving, and the rock it was stuck in strong enough to hold. Normally, something like that would shatter a guitar, but this wasn’t any normal guitar. [color=ff6130]”This thing’s unbreakable, won’t budge now. We could all climb down at the same time and it won’t move an inch unless that cloth snaps. Tie it up around there, we’ll be fine. I can pull it out of my pocket when we’re back down.”[/color] Sam told Teddy in a “fuck-you-giant-cliff manner. [color=ff6130]”Just- make sure it don’t snap on the way down, y’know?[/color]