[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RkjBJAA.png[/img] [h2]Kor: Entente In Despair[/h2][/center] The thing had nothing to sense. A numb cancelling of all waves centred itself there in the core of the world. None of the cacophonous rumbles, pressure, and searing heat was felt. The only company enjoyed by the thing at the core was the gentle song of the cosmos whispered through from the outside. It sat listening, manifesting the opposite of all else around it, whether willed or not. The opposite now was an absence of all. It had neither memories nor the consciousness to record such. No record within or without existed of its age. Its existence was unnoticed, eternal or not. It may never have had memories at all. What the thing at the core had was a reaction to all the spirits of the world, choiring at once at the hell they suddenly inhabited. The discordant crowd of pain came from all directions at such a volume as to reach a uniform peak at the core. The song of the cosmos was not just drowned, but buried, sealed, and suffocated beneath it. The thing at the core manifested the opposite of all else around it. It was peace, patience, and familiarity. The apocalyptic choir overlapped its verses, and with it came hate, anger, trauma, vengeance, avarice, and disgust. The thing at the core manifested the opposite of all else around it. Its heart ached not in a desire to destroy, but a desire to soothe, preserve, and heal. From that heart, a being formed. The combined spirit of the planet Galbar itself unknowingly made it so. In the planet’s manifest discord, shattering and breaking into oceanic pieces, the opposite -- harmony -- was given shape. The shape was Kor. Kor was a weeping goddess. The birth of Kor lasted only as long as her new consciousness formulated actions from her desires. She wrought a body from the decompressing metal around her and this stilled her tears. From the heat, she pushed out and up. She did not choose a direction to go. The direction chose her, beckoning up to a point at Galbar’s undercrust. An old benevolent trail of divinity beyond her immediate understanding signalled her there like a light in the sky. She found her direction through the molten mantle and pushed with two arms. The chaos of the world sank into her like so many teeth. With two more arms she pushed. A great shard of the planet buckled and broke away from the whole under her pressure. The underside of the shard glowed and flexed and screamed. To that she sang softly a song she knew to calm it. [color=7ea7d8][i]…Kor…Re…Pa…Ve…Laak…[/i][/color] [color=7ea7d8][i]…Kor…Re…Pa…Ve…Laak…[/i][/color] The screaming quietened, but the dark chaos hung onto the shard jealously. It would consume all if it could not have the peace this shard dared to achieve. [color=7ea7d8][i]…Kor…Re…Pa…Ve…Laak…[/i][/color] [color=7ea7d8][i]…Kor…Re…Pa…Ve…Laak…[/i][/color] Kor manifested the opposite of the chaos to protect her new shard. Her harmonious peace. A body of unbreakable confidence and structure. She then took two more arms and pushed up as hard as she could. The burning remains of Galbar darkened below, opening an endless maw that threatened to consume Kor and her last shard of the unbroken past. It inhaled to draw her closer. [color=7ea7d8][i]…Kor…Re…Pa…Ve…Laak…[/i][/color] [b][i]…Kor…Re…Pa…Ve…Laak…[/i][/b] [color=7ea7d8][i]…Kor…Re…Pa…Ve…Laak…[/i][/color] [b][i]…Kor…Re…Pa…Ve…Laak…[/i][/b] The shard sang with her. The mantra took the spirits of the land, the plants, the animals, and the people, and stroked their spines and shoulders with a new calm. They found a sureness in the pull their bodies had to the earth below them, pushing away the chaos. The pain and darkness that clung from the planet below could not hold on against this force, which from the underside pushed it all away. The chaos held, but thinned and tore like a film of black slime. Finally, though some of the chaos remained atop the shard, the film finally ripped asunder by force of Kor’s strength, and the shard flew free in the goddess’ six great hands. Kor continued to sing, and continued to push Galbar away. But still she wept. Above, the shard began to shiver and crack. In the cradle of its salvation, the cold of its new freedom threatened to kill it early. Below, Galbar broke and collapsed until nothing was left but the malevolence that caused its destruction. Kor could only keep the ex-Galbar and All-In-The-Darkness-Below at bay. She did not have the strength to save the shard as well. Then, as if she was not the only one to hear the call of the shard, Kor witnessed more great powers repair and stabilise it from above and within. Six points of surety welded the stone together. Kor readjusted her hands as carefully as she could to align with the six points and found herself finally at a point of equilibrium once more. She smiled softly in the knowledge that the shard above would live on. [color=7ea7d8][i]Thank you,[/i][/color] she called into the earth above. She did not know who was responsible, only that there would be peace again for a time. [hider=Summary] This post starts off at the height of the apocalypse, so it’s a bit out of order from the above posts. Kor starts off as a presence of absence in the core of the old planet Galbar. When Galbar starts its end, the emotional weight of all its spirits induces her to manifest its opposite, thus the goddess of harmony is born. Manifesting the opposite of the more negative drives within the apocalypse, Kor wants to save a part of the world, so she makes a body of molten iron and nickel from the core shoots up to the underside of the crust. She’s drawn to a particular point of the crust with a benevolent divine trail on it, which just so happens to be right beneath Mons Divinus, but that detail isn’t mentioned. Kor grows a total of six arms to push a shard out from the crumbling planet, our shard, and sings her mantra to calm the remaining chaos on top of it. She fights and pushes against the culmination of evils that is causing the destruction of Galbar to get the shard out cleanly, creating gravity-like effect in the process. However, the shard is breaking apart! Not for long, thankfully, as Kor feels Algrim’s six pillars take hold and prevent the whole thing breaking into pieces. Kor aligned her hands with the pillars and finally experienced equilibrium once more. [b]MA Summary: All costs negated by turn 0[/b] - Pushed the shard that is our RP world away from the crumbling planet Galbar. - Started and will continue to maintain a constant repulsion of evil darkness leftover from Galbar below, maintaining a gravity-like acceleration on the shard as a side-effect without requiring all the matter that a whole planet would usually provide. - Started and will continue to maintain Kor’s Mantra, which can held calm spirits when actively listened to. [/hider]