[hr][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201119/e7f1e6081117622d2468ef0b26ce90c9.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/FI1xLFm.png?1[/img][/url] "[color=#EC9054]I'll take those shots now.[/color]" [hr]—————————————————— [sub]Christian's House[/sub][/center] [indent][color=#FFD4B9]Jackson rubbed his head as he laid on the floor, he truly felt like he was not going to get up from the beating he just received. He blinked a few times to see if he was hallucinating or is that big guy really going to hit him with a chair leg. He was ready to accept that he may not be coming home that night, but someone soon stopped Dee from going any further and Jackson was filled with relief. He sat up and placed his arms on his knees, rubbing his forehead since the pain from the pain now slowly started creeping in. "[color=#EC9054]Fuck me...[/color]" He muttered to himself pushing himself back to lean against what looked like a couch, he leaned his head back on the cushion for a moment before suddenly being rained on by a mist of water, his hair and shoulders were drench and soon he had to brush his hair back just to even see. He moved his hand to his eye and felt a stinging pain as soon as he did, that is absolutely going to be a black eye. He sighed and pushed himself up, he could not exactly see how Miki was doing, before he could even check it out, he heard a familiar voice echo through the house. Trixie. He walked towards the sound of her voice with some difficulty and listened to hear speak about a drink off. Honestly, he just wanted to get shit faced right about now to forget everything that had just happened. Sure he knew was going to wake up to a lot of pain and maybe one hell of a scolding from his father but he cared too much of what was going on now than his future. In the state of all of the clamoring for drinks, Jackson forgot about Miki and went straight for a shot to at least alleviate the tension rising from his body. He took that shot faster than he had ever taken a shot before. Were they still fighting? Jackson did not know but what he did know is that after this shot things are going to get a little less hellish. He then took two shots on the go. "[color=#EC9054]Kingsly![/color]" Jackson called out, he stepped towards her, dropping an extra shot in front of her, "[color=#EC9054]My night sucks, take a shot with me?[/color]" he asked. [/color][/indent][hr]