I would like to reserve the dandelion essence, please. =) Too tired to finish a sheet tonight, though.... [hider=My Hider] Name: Danielle Lyon Appearance: [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R71894a0494b4181e7929ffb8499310da?rik=ftEBzSA0DNlmqA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fstatic.zerochan.net%2fPixiv.Id.4125353.full.1970826.jpg&ehk=zTGql9KnAUTOmRbclCF2yPKuu1HLPQIaY0iOkofa7%2bU%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw[/img] Danielle is rather plain and average looking, never one to stand out in a crowd. She is not ugly, but "pretty" at best. Her hair is grown out long and is blond that almost appear green in poor lighting, but golden in sunlight. Her skin is pale and somewhat translucent, making injuries and blemishes more apparent. Her eyes are hazel, some parts more gold and other parts more green in appearance. She has an average bust, small rump, and slight belly. Gender: Female Age: Occupation: Plant Essence: (what kind of plant has connected with your character and given them a superpower) Superpower(s): (aim for a 2 or 3/10 on the powerful scale with a potential to scale up over time) Personality: History: (should include when their plant connection started) Miscellaneous: (optional) [/hider]