[center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/t_Vh_bCFIduE0YhNZqUtcFzHf7tICce1Nu1PmLZeTYA/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/546056855978377216/823258399663194172/dfrgthyujhyrgtef.png[/img] Level 5: 24/50 Location: The Bottomless Sea Surface Word Count: 343 Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 25/50 [/center] If it helped Nadia at, Sakura was indeed watching. She grimaced at the grotesque nature of Nadia's abilities, but since she understood them to be on purpose it wasn't as gross. She had the same learing experience watching Dhalsim do his crazy yoga stuff. This was kind of like that except way, way wetter. Sakura cheered, clapping her hands as she saw Nadia make the landing. Nadia preceded to fall to pieces but Sakura didn't catch that part. Meanwhile, the team onboard Shippy defeated the evil bone fish. That just left Sakura out in the open to defend Mister Geralt and Miss Bella if they wanted it. Now the street fighter's attention was back on the fight. Bowser and Ace Cadet were up their on their lonesome, and it was getting hard to see them. Since they weren't being flung through the air as much. All she knew was she didn't like the idea of the turtle dad and the monster hunting getting eaten by eels. Sakura yelped, covering her eyes as the fight progress and then peeked through her fingers. Bowser took a big hit, but the Atomos scooped him up. Meanwhile the entire big island tower fell to pieces.Beyond that Sakura couldn't tell much. She never really was a very perceptive person. No way in heck could she have spotted the opportunity to take a shot like that, let alone actually hit it. [color=f49ac2]"Wh-what happened? Bella-san? Geralt-san? Did you see? Where's the eely girl?" [/color] Sakura clenched her fingers. [color=f49ac2]"Hold on, I'll be right back."[/color] Sakura skated forward, getting closer to the island and Tentalus. There was probably going to be a big splash soon. [color=f49ac2]"Okay, you win!" [/color]She shouted up towards Tentalus, the big purple monster. [color=f49ac2]"Now shoo! Get outta here!"[/color] She flicked her wrists towards the big guy. [color=f49ac2]"Nothin' to see here! Buh-bye, [i]domo arigato![/i]"[/color] With that she turned and began skimming back over to Geralt and Bella. She hoped they could scoot out of here, soon. Hopefully Mister Bowser managed to calm that thing down. [center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ObfXRuxb6cIycBndF6yb4wfoMPCaSkClHh6nJ7k7w1E/%3Fcb%3D20190315052123/https/static.wikia.nocookie.net/control6745/images/f/fe/Pyramid2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340[/img] Level 1: 6/10 Word Count: 561 Location: Museum Points Gained: ? New EXP Balance--- Level 1: 7/10[/center] As Jesse's clothes were blown back by the whirlwind, she couldn't help but once again lament her powers. Her own flying abilities wouldn't be deferred by such a wind. And, of course, she was more than strong enough to just yank that Infinite Spring right out of the air. But these kids were capable, so she decided to let them go for it. Her firing off gunshots probably wasn't going to help. Jesse was a pretty good shot but she was by no means an elite markswoman who never missed the mark. That's why it helped that her gun had infinite ammo. Unfortunately, this balding bastard outwitted even the parautilitarians that she was temporarily working with to stop this guy. Jesse blink as she saw a cat's head double in size. That probably sucked. Just to make absolutely sure, Jesse reached her hand out towards the Infinite Spring and clawed her hand. Trying to extend her willpower, to latch onto the object and bring it under her control. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. Zero. A big ol' goose egg. Then, the man just floated right through the glass as if it wasn't even there. [i](Right. Of course he can do that, too. What is this feeling? Pistol envy?)[/i] Jesse didn't waste any energy on parting shots, just strode forward and watched him drift away. Half-heartedly, she clenched her fist and shook it towards the ceiling. "Aaargh. You haven't seen the last of me. Haha." Jesse said jokingly. In a spike of frustration she turned and kicked at a drifting balloon, the impact hollow and unsatisfying. That bounty would have been useful. Would she ever get another chance? Did it even matter? She felt useless without her powers. The Tengu guards were also a poor replacement for her Rangers. Sighing, Jesse placed a hand on her shoulder and rolled it a few times. She walked over to the group known as the Phantom Thieves and appraised them. Once again, there was something different about them. In a way, they looked familiar. Their outfits were fancy and stylish and foreign to her, but they were recognizably human. But even still. Something about the way they carried themselves. They walked with purpose and poise. [i](You know when a noise has been going on for so long you don't even notice it anymore? And when it finally stops, the quiet takes you by surprise?)[/i] Polaris glimmered in her mind's eye. [i](Do these people know something we need to know?)[/i] An affirmative shimmer.[i] (Okay.)[/i] "Jesus. Sorry about that." Jesse said, approaching the group and eyeing the wounded cat. [i](Should I lie and tell him it's probably temporary?)[/i] "Are you guys doing all right? Seem like you're quite the team. Yeah, that crazy guy has been going on a crime spree. I've been tracking him down, but, that was the first time I managed to see him in person." She hissed through her teeth. "Next time. Next time. I figure if that gun could make your cats head big, maybe it could make it normal sized again. Or hey...maybe it's temporary." Jesse offered. If she got her social graces right, she should wait until the people she's trying to talk to reciprocate her conversation offer. Then, when they do, and they're engaged in social activiy, she offers her name. Real nice and casual like.