[hider=Scam Artist][center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210509/afc9b152b87372c3389dfdb60f4b263e.png[/img] [img]https://img.wattpad.com/120c287dec5b232a41a19efde2b17932f9a6f063/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f6f4a5a51455549655853306c72773d3d2d3933383737343932382e313632633530333162366231306466343430303833303631343139302e676966[/img] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fJHsl8ElGM]Now there's an angel or a demon in my room and I confess that I can't tell the difference. She looks a lot like you, sounds a little bit like you too and she whispers, "It's gonna be okay". I don't know if that's the truth or just some cruel, strangely-elaborate prank.[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BP_frxzM8a0]Crashing through the void, remembering my family, apologies unfold into flowers of humanity. Closer than before, on the edge of being the same fuck up as before, dying in a secret.[/url][/sub][/center] [b][color=fff79a]NAME[/color][/b] [indent]Simon Adam Hart[/indent] [b][color=fff79a]AGE[/color][/b] [indent]26[/indent] [b][color=fff79a]GENDER[/color][/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b][color=fff79a]APPEARANCE[/color][/b] [center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/4655db0896bf88a2b8c041e5de95c6f0/tumblr_ppx70s4Fdv1wzyn5wo2_250.gifv[/img] [sub]5'11" - 148 lbs - Brown Hair - Green Eyes[/sub][/center] [indent]Simon has always been too tall for his own good, with long legs and a thin frame, he doesn't look like much of a threat or like he can possibly hold as much liquor down as he does. He's narrow-framed, gangly and long without much muscle to speak of. He's very pale although he's covered in a scattering of freckles, blotchy, messy freckles that spot his face and body. He has sharp, youthful features and cat-like green eyes. He has dark eyelashes and thin eyebrows that can often be found raised questioningly into his hairline. Simon has extremely messy, curly dark brown hair. He very rarely fixes this mop top up but it's come to sort of suit him and his demeanor. He tends to dress quite eccentrically, leaning almost comically into his role as a phony psychic.[/indent] [b][color=fff79a]ETHNICITY[/color][/b] [indent]Caucasion[/indent] [b][color=fff79a]SEXUAL ORIENTATION[/color][/b] [indent]Bisexual[/indent] [b][color=fff79a]RELIGION[/color][/b] [indent]Atheist[/indent] [b][color=fff79a]OCCUPATION[/color][/b] [indent]Scam Artist/Fake Psychic[/indent] [b][color=fff79a]ABILITY[/color][/b] [indent]N/A[/indent] [b][color=fff79a]BACKSTORY[/color][/b] [indent]Life was never easy for Simon Hart, his birth was hard on his mother physically and resulted ultimately in her death which lead to the inevitable depression of his father. Thomas Hart could hardly bare the death of his wife and this caused Simon's childhood to be... fraught with chaos. Simon had to learn to rely on himself quite early and despite how rough this was on him, it turned out to be useful in some ways. Simon didn't need anyone's help and he made a point of that as he grew older. Despite a strained relationship with his father, he found himself trying to help him as he moved into taking odd jobs throughout high school. Simon didn't feel he [i]owed[/i] his father anything but he still felt it was [i]wrong[/i] to leave him hanging when he couldn't exactly take care of himself. So, as Simon got out of high school, he set about bigger and better things. A scholarship put Simon through college for computer science and in some ways, he felt he should be grateful. In other ways, he felt he could be doing something better. Simon met a young lady in college who went by the name Erin. Erin and Simon hit it off quite well and the two were terribly close. Their relationship often looked turbulent from the outside but Simon seemed terribly devoted to Erin. Simon would eventually drop out of college due to an inability to focus but he would also eventually become engaged to Erin. They would marry off in a courthouse a month later. The two would remain together for maybe a year after this as Simon set about his more... illegal ventures. Erin would slowly but surely grow tired of her odd and flighty husband, and she would be the one to file for divorce after abruptly leaving their single-bedroom apartment and taking their cat. Simon would take this quite hard and fall into a near inconsolable depression as a result. It would be maybe three months later when he'd start advertising his "Psychic Readings". This would be a relatively silent business before abruptly picking up traction alongside his other scams and gambles. Currently Simon remains... not quite wealthy but fairly well off and still sees to his father every so often.[/indent][/hider]