595 grimaced as she emerged onto a central causeway joining each of the Barbarossa’s levels. Streams of personnel broke around her like water around a rock. She switched to talking via her implant, while trying to make her way to the side of the passage so she could have a bit of privacy. [i]“That’s not my decision to make, Vreta’Sori. I’m just the instrument, remember?”[/i] She replied internally, pushing past a gaggle of off-duty crew. She sighed. She had a pool of dreadful excitement bubbling in her chest at the prospect of her meeting with the DG later. He’d be equal measures furious when he found out what she’d done, and proud when he found out what she’d gained. [i]”Outremer is resilient. We have contingency plans in motion even as we speak, believe me. It’s just a shame our politicians see fit to argue in public; we might even project strength at a time like this. What was it that you wanted to talk out, exactly?"[/i]