Hi. I'm Sapphic Nunnery. But you can call me Sappy if you want. I am. 21/Scorpio/??? (genderutterlyconfusedplsdontaskty) And I am not the best writer. And I don't always reply as much as some people on here. But I do try to keep a nice rhythm. Even in my irregularity. Some days I'm full of responses other times one response takes days. But I do my best. Take it or leave it. Anyway I have a rather odd request here. Because I would like to play a few scenes/stories/whatever involving me playing various characters of a semi-hive-minded race. This race lives in separate autonomous collectives, each with their own goals, agendas, and philosophies, throughout the galaxy where they serve the Wisdom of the Universal Light. Or not. There are some "Bad" collectives. And I was hoping that my partners would be playing individual humans or pairs of humans who have contact with different manifestations of the extraterrestrial, and sort of extra dimensional beings. And it is at this point that I must tell you that the race whom I wish to portray are the Greys. Grey Aliens. Visitors from Zeta Reticuli. The ones so common to UFO lore. The one's Mass Effect used to inspire the Salarians. The one's said to have abducted people and messed with cows and frolicked in the fields with the Faerie races as our stoned ancestors looked on...