[h3][center]~Thalia~[/center][/h3] [hr] "Which...I find more tasty?" Thalia questioned. She glanced over all the servants gathered as the food they had ordered soon arrived. "Hmm..." Well, she wasn't really one to not play along with Scylla's silliness. Had to entertain her if she wanted her to behave even a little bit, besides she couldn't quite deny she wouldn't mind playing with a few of them herself. Of course, she couldn't take the obvious choice...so instead she turned to Scylla with a small smile and a wink. "You, obviously, since you're my servant-" Bad flirting and silliness was soon averted by a loud explosion. Unflinchingly, Thalia simply turned to the source of it. A servant and someone that was obviously her master. "...Oi, Scylla." She turned to her servant. Slowly, she would retrieve her guitar from her bag as she looked at the wreckage from her seat. "...ya know, looks like we might have ourselves a stage to pay on soon." She'd still wait a bit though - wait and see if things did devolve into a mosh pit.