Jinny watched with careful attention as Slade demonstrated how to move quietly in the forest environment. She mimicked his steps for a few moments, walking in a circle to get the footing down. It was much quieter, but she found herself walking normally every few steps. It was going to take some practice. Then she tried climbing a tree, which was surprisingly difficult for her. She muttered to herself, poked herself with branches, said a few choice words that she shouldn’t probably know, and managed to make it to a sturdy branch. “...that was hard.” She was just a bit out of breath, so she sat down on the branch with her feet swinging. “I know I could have used my powers to fly up, but sometimes I don’t want to use them. What if I overdo it, or what if there’s something that takes my powers away? I have to be ready for that, right?” She wasn’t even sure that second thing existed beyond her own imagination, but it was definitely worth considering in her mind. “I have to learn things the regular way just in case.” She stood and leapt from her perch, falling into a careful tumbling roll as she had been taught. Brushing herself off, she led the way again. Her feet were much quieter, but it was clear she was still getting the hang of it. It took quite a bit more time, and there were more signs along the way. There was the faintest sound of water ahead. The source of it became much clearer, as a trickling stream came into view. Just ahead, having a nice drink of water, was their quarry, a fat, healthy looking rabbit. “There it is.” Jinny whispered softly. It was completely defenseless, and so far, had not caught wind of them. “…is this a good spot?” She looked around for other animals.