The bath water takes some time to heat, but the rising steam is a pleasure all its own. Tristan already feels pores thick with dirt and sweat begin to open for the first time in days. His expression softens with his skin. "I have thought long and hard, these last few minutes, about the best way to prepare you for the trials to come," Tristan intones solemnly. "Arduous test of your mind and spirit that they may be, I feel it's only appropriate we have a big snowball fight, and Mort and I shall gang up on you most ruthlessly. For [i]your sake[/i], of course. The bath should keep warm for that long. Then we must see about fattening you with your favourite sweets, to ready you through this [i]harsh winter[/i], and then we shall find some children to play hide and go seek with, so that they might share with us their knowledge of the best hiding places in the castle. And [i]then [/i]I plan to sleep for a thousand years, and wake up early to go watch the sunset, and you're free to join me." He nods grimly. "Yes. This is a most able plan, I feel. Nothing short of your duty."