So I'd like to apologize for having taken so long. It was a tough choice between Spectre and Tainted... and guess what I took! Debts are still a to be done. Just hit me up if anybody wants to connect his or her character to mine this way :) [hider=Kyo][center][h3][color=ff9900]Kyo[/color][/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Kyo [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Look:[/b] male, black, dirty clothing [b]Demeanor:[/b] Detached [b]Stats[/b][list][*]Blood: 2[*]Heart: 1[*]Mind: -1[*]Spirit: 0[/list] [b]Factions[/b][list][*]Mortality: 1[*]Night: -1[*]Power: 1[*]Wild: 1[/list] [b]Faction:[/b] Wild Those wild are fancy people, everybody knows that. However I am sure that only a miniscule number of them could ever have imagined that one of their own would be so crazy to make a dirty deal with not just any mortal, but some sort of veteran hunter. From what I've heard there's no real confirmation on this, but what's for sure is that an increasingly disturbing number of individuals got the last and also unexpected visit of their respective life. People whom everyone I know had considered to be 'safe' until the very moment. So... who's the traitor ? Is there even a traitor in the first place ? I'm afraid a manhunt might be just about to start. As there wouldn't already be enough of those... [b]Who are you ?[/b] I guess you know my name already, so let me feed your mind with the additional facts right away: Consider myself to be your average boring person who picks up everyone's trash while also inhaling everyone's exhaust. Yes, I know, garbage disposal in this city is not the most lucrative job, but it keeps me above the waterline. If I could, I'd quit it and go for something better right away, but I'm also a damn newcomer and am still struggling to build up my connections. [b]How long have you been in the city[/b] For barely half a year, I guess. [b]Who would you die for ?[/b] I do have a little brother, you know ? He's actually older than me, but neither of us two cares. We've been in sync with each other for as long as I can remember. He doesn't live here, though. [b]What is your daily release ?[/b] I am trying to work out, if not for the good looks than at least for my personal safety. And while I have anything but a faible for guns I do like playing shooters and other video games a lot. [b]What do you desperately need ?[/b] Ummm... how about being taken seriously, finally ? I have the feeling that my boss sends me into those areas where none of his 'more experienced' employees wants to go because of all the shit going on and people indeed behave like shit. Sometimes I think the city would be a cleaner place if I'd haul them into the truck instead of the garbage. [b]Gear[/b][list][*]Kinda run-down apartment[*]a motorcycle[*]smart phone[*]A sword. Like said... I don't have a faible for guns.[/list] [b]Tainted moves[/b][list][*]The Devil Inside[*]Invocation[/list] [b]Demon form[/b][list][*]Head: horns, spikes[*]Hands: claws, flames[*]Wings: leather[*]Skin: chitinous[*]Eyes: glowing, burning, smoky[/list] [b]About my demon boss:[/b] He claims his name is unspeakable for humans, but he told me just to call him 'Vekyzz'. I truly don't believe he's up all too high in the infernal hierarchy, but frankly I consider it a little too dangerous to just ask him about that. Still: He apparently is powerful and we can consider ourselves lucky that he either can't or doesn't like to enter this world himself. Could also be that 'destruction' and 'mass murder' just aren't on the list of things he enjoys very much -- at least that's not the kind of task he has ever given me so far. Instead I'm to chauffeur mysterious boxes from place A to place B, sometimes with people or just the cops behind me. Sometimes tiny, sometimes so big I need to drive a damn truck through those sometimes narrow streets. I can't imagine those are the usual weapons, drugs and shit all the time. Good thing I'm working for garbage disposal. A stinky dump truck is not something your average officer is looking forward to search through, is it ? Recently though I've been given some other jobs, too: Doorman for some kind of party, patrol guard so no drunkards and rioters can vandalize some building sites... That kind of stuff. [/hider] Please tell me if anything's wrong!