[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/G9xaVXn.png[/img] [color=000000][u][b]Location[/b][/u][/color] 💀 Happy Harbour. [color=000000][u][b]Interactions[/b][/u][/color] 💀 Those Present. 💀 Something Not Present. [/center] [hr] Eyes shifted towards the others, a team of heroes with far greater physical capabilities than the Wraithborn. A ghostly gaze remained lingering upon his teammates, all of whom had been assigned to one another, an easy deduction, it would appear. From a glance, Casper drew a conclusion, mainly that Viktor and Jack, or rather Talon, were the most skilled combatants on the team. Kila raised the number to three, however, his presence was pointed elsewhere. It would undoubtedly have been interesting to see a battle commencing between Rain and Talon, their martial arts on full display, but as had been stated, little would be achieved by two skilled warriors clashing, while those of less experience were left to their own devices. Bright souls prepared for combat, a fist thrown and soon caught by The Green, Daphne’s abilities having confiscated Casper’s attention. It was a transformation akin to a fairytale, the young maiden allowing her true self to take hold, shedding the human disguise worn amongst her brothers and sisters, before sight of another entity was beheld. Casper was aware of the concepts, the forces of nature, as some called them. They had been a central part of the boy’s studies, and were often referenced in ancient arcana. As his closest acquaintances may have been able to tell, while Casper was unable to wield magic other than his own, knowledge of what comprised their reality was something he sought with insatiable determination. The Green, and the Parliament of Trees, The Black and the Parliament of Decay, and finally, The Red and the Parliament of Limbs, three aspects of life all part of the same team. It was an ironic development, to say the least, with Casper standing amidst the very two forces in direct opposition to his own. If Hex recalled, there were ten Parliaments, and those closely acquainted with each force were easy enough to spot due to the color of their souls. Daphne, a brilliant green. Ja, a fearsome red. Kassandra, a harmonic blue. Then, of course, there was Zach, a nearly whimsical combination of glittery purple, an arcane spirit. In a way, these colorful manifestations allowed for Casper to understand his teammates on a deeper level. He himself did not possess a soul, not like the others. His essence was pure Necrotic magic, something that strongly emanated energies reminiscent of The Black, something which likely caused discomfort in those with the ability to sense what was beyond the physical plane. Lowering himself to the grass, Casper proceeded to gently hug slender knees, the boy’s chin resting against his kneecaps. The tree guarding him from sunlight with pleasant shade acted as bringer of comfort, and allowed for a pleasant spot as he watched the others spar. Black Canary would rather maintain vigilance and supervise the team, than continue a session with Casper, which was understandable. Injuries could very well happen, and not everyone possessed a healing factor. Equally so, Casper was the only undead creature present, which meant that his magic could only heal himself. As for the others, Daphne’s plant biology likely allowed for accelerated regeneration. It brought a thought to mind, in fact. What would those of a more traditional view say, when witnessing such opposing forces fighting alongside each other? Talon was a rehabilitated assassin, and Casper was walking death. Let it never be said that the Justice League wasn’t inclusive. [i][b][color=000000]C̸̮̘̩̓̅͒̚a̸̛̺͓̩̿̂͜s̵͚̙̈́̀͘p̶͚̀̅̀͋̔e̸̖͛̌̂̒r̴̡͓̪̠͑̈́̑.̴̡̲̗̹͊͆.̴̬͛̎͠.̷̢̬̠̤̃͊[/color][/b][/i] In an instant, a headache surged through the Wraithborn’s skull, a flinch escaping him as claws rose to the boy’s forehead. Tensing, Casper struggled to his feet, stumbling forward with a tremble echoing throughout his digits, forcing the boy’s fist closed. “Dude, what’s wrong?” Coal spoke up, but earned little in response. [color=FFE4C4]”I..,”[/color] Hex tried. It was the same voice previously calling to him, if with less clarity. The Wraith’s attention desperately turned towards the entrance of their new home, a shivering fear clinging to his spine. [color=FFE4C4]”S-something’s here..,”[/color] Casper uttered, his phantasmal gaze searching from right to left. “Dude!” Coal exclaimed, wings flapping before talons gripped at his friend’s shoulder, “what’s happening? Nothing’s here!” [color=FFE4C4]”I don’t know..,”[/color] came a response, a hand rising as Casper caught himself against the tree, falling to his knees. [color=FFE4C4]”Coal.., something is trying to contact me..”[/color] “So? Shit’s always trying to contact you. What’s different this time?” The bird expressed, its head tilting. [color=FFE4C4]”This isn’t a lost soul..,”[/color] Hex clenched his teeth. On that, he was correct. [color=FFE4C4]”And it’s not a.., a malevolent spirit..,”[/color] he seethed. Again, he was correct.