It wasn't easy to refrain from offering to pick Shade up and put her on the boat, but somehow he managed. The woman's pride might've been more battered than her body, and he didn't want to add to the inury. So as she struggled onto the ship he bit his lip and made his face as still as possible. "Miria, you pain in the ass" he grumbled to himself. "You had to do that knot thing. Ugh." After a few minutes of struggling he gave up with the traditional route of rope removal and ripped the line. There'd be another one on the ship. He hoped there'd be another one on the ship. "Hey!" A voice called from the other end of the dock. "What's going on over there?" "Where?" "There!" "Hey!" The chorus of voices grew. Shadows appeared out of the boats and started in their direction. Marines. "Alright." Rintin said. "We're good to go." Without waiting he hurried over to the end of the boat and gave it a mighty push before jumping on and hurrying over to the wheel after lowering the sail. There was a strong breeze tonight. So the ship would have a good head start before any of the marines were able to get out to the water. That is, if Miria did her part and tied extra ropes to the bottoms of the docks.