[center][img] https://i.imgur.com/7qXJ7Y1.png[/img][/center] Despite her ill will toward the fallen robot’s owner, Gabi listened intently as Julian detailed the current situation at hand, the joyful atmosphere of a potential movie night having immediately vanished. She nodded as their leader spoke, taking her time to process everything he said. While she had been expecting her fair share of action as a part of this team, she did not really expect the training phase of her stay in the penthouse to end so soon. Sure, she had been working out down in the gym, but lifting a few weights had done little to make her part of a crime-fighting team. Was she even ready? That question plagued her mind as she rushed back towards her bedroom, causing her to accidentally collide with some of her teammates as she moved. While she was not one to change into a suit of spandex like many of the heroes she admired, she at least needed didn’t want to be running around in slippers and a brightly patterned cardigan. She threw them onto the floor as she stepped inside her sleeping quarters, before immediately grabbing a pair of worn leather boots and perching against the edge of her bed as she moved to pull them on. Her fingers fumbled as she attempted to tie her laces. What if she fumbled out there? Sure, she had faced simple thugs before, but that had been different. They weren’t powerful. Just weak men with guns. These guys at the bank however seemed to be the real deal. Actual supervillains. The kind of guys she would see on the occasional news broadcast and would end up fearing for her life from, despite being a whole continent away. She thought about how scared she had been back then. How much she had looked up to the heroes that would eventually save the day. A smile escaped her lips as newfound confidence began to wash over her. Finishing her laces, she brushed her hair from out of her face, before grabbing the leather handle of her axe tightly and turning towards the window. What had once been a beautiful spring evening began to change before her eyes, as clouds of grey quickly began to coat the Seattle skyline. As the first drops of rain began to hit the glass of her bedroom window, Gabi rose to her feet, took a deep breath, and headed downstairs to the penthouse’s storage room to join her team.