Ali had the mind to play some dice this night, to see if his luck still held as much to get a few extra coins. For some reason he felt more in control when playing dice than he did in his normal life, as contradictory as that seemed. Even now he could feel the dice rattling in his head, but he didn't know just where they landed. "Jenkin's Mill? I don't..." He began, then shook his head. Ever he was aware at her arm around his waist and his own stiff hand on her opposite shoulder. He spoke quietly everytime another couple passed them by. "Well, you are the Aes Sedai. It seems odd that something so important would be in such an backwood place, but apparently the enemy is seeking me and I'm about as backwood as you can get, so I can't really judge. We'll go tomorrow then, or later tonight if we don't want to be seen?" He thought for a moment, gazing up into the night sky. It was a tad cloudy, but every now and then he could see the twinkling of a star. He fancied he could still see Lenn and his daughter Salya up in the sky, chasing the moon and stars. It made him think of the Gleeman back in Emond's Field, the one they left out in the woods. He doubted they would ever see him again. If cuendilliar was from the Age of Legends, or even the First Age like Lenn and Salya, he knew it must be as powerful as Mave said it was. "I wonder Cuendilliar can be used for?" He asked aloud, before a voice screamed in his ear. '[i]Weapons! Armor! The key to the world by conquest![/i]' and Ali jolted, suddenly realizing the voice had been in his head. He noticed Mave noticed his jolt, and she stiffened. "What is it?" "Nothing! I...I just get a bit overwhelmed I guess, with all of this." He replied, though in truth, he was a bit freaked out by how quickly he was adjusting. "I won't lie and say I don't miss the farm, though I never thought I would say it-" "I'm still sorry I caused you to leave." Mave replied, clearly feeling a modicum of guilty feelings, though they both knew it truly wasn't her fault. "Wait, wait. I was going to say, I'm still glad I can go out and see the world. You've probably been across the breadth of the world twice." He chuckled, his statement slowing to a whisper as another young couple walked past them. The two held hands even as they held one another, making Ali and Mave look a bit more formal by comparison. It made him think of the kiss they had shared before they had to flee the Two Rivers. The one they hadn't spoken about since. [i]Damned if I bring it up[/i], he told himself. [i]If she doesn't wish to think about it again I need to throw the image out of my head[/i]. He seemed very lost in thought at the moment, though his hand felt a bit more natural across her shoulders. From the window, neither Mave nor Ali saw Darius staring with a keener eye than he had shown either since they had met, and slowly the man closed the curtains and vanished out of sight.