[img]https://i.imgur.com/0yocLUy.png[/img] [@rainforestgiant] [b][/b]Kijani was a little surprised that this man also seemed to be a Communicator. Moreso that he was so open to talking about it. Thoth had sworn her to secrecy, which was easy as she really didn’t have anyone to tell. [color=gold][b]“I was told ‘up’, more or less, so that is where I went.”[/b][/color] She sighed softly. [b][color=gold]“At least there are two of us now.”[/color][/b] She walked up to the shimmering air, and pressed her fingers against it. There was clearly [i]something[/i] there, though she didn’t know what. “I’m not sure where to go from here.” Before she could contact Thoth, however, the barrier beneath her fingertips gave way with a little pop of displaced air. She stumbled in a less than graceful fashion due to the surprise, but quickly regained stable footing and composure. A hand went to her kopesh, rather quickly considering how little she used it. Luckily, there was no need. Before her was one of the most beautiful buildings she had ever laid eyes on. It gleamed in the light, almost dazzling her with its brightness. She stared at it, noting the lovely marble of the columns, the wide expanse of the stairs. Everything was perfect. Kijani was actually sad that she didn’t know more about architecture, otherwise she could understand the true beauty of the place. [b][color=gold]“Well. I guess that answers that question.”[/color][/b] She turned to the strange man nearby. [b][color=gold]“This must be a place fit for the Gods. Shall we?” [/color][/b]