[h1]Gou[/h1][sub]mentions: [@WindsOfFate][@Gentlemanvaultboy][/sub][hr] With a tap, Gou was shaken from his mini trance and opened his eyes to see Luna holding out a thing of blue... ice. “Here, try this. You earned it.” He dropped his eyes down to the object, then back up to Luna as he accepted it. What was this? What did he earn just now? A strange chill radiated from the cup through his palm and even began to make it feel itchy as he stood there dumbfounded. If this truly was an item that he earned himself, surely it must have been good. The disciple watched Luna hand over a second blue ice to Yuri, who somehow managed to look even more extravagant than just a few minutes ago since he last looked. Never in his life did Gou ever feel like he was aesthetically lacking, but in that moment, he understood what it meant to feel underdressed. Fashion was not a priority at the Yuheng Sect, but the sight of the butterfly mage’s wear certainly made him question that sentiment. This senior martial brother truly knew style like the back of his hand. There were many thoughts floating about in this student’s head, but the most urgent one revolved around what he was meant to do with the thing in his now reddened and clammy hand. First, he shook it up and down, thoroughly amused at the generous clump of blue ice sloshing around in the container. Then, he swirled it around. Ice smacked against the tiny dome of the container, spun, and gained enough momentum to form a tiny tornado. Cool as it was, it didn’t seem to be the point. This was not an energy-imbued item for sure. Gou squinted at the cup and decided to just follow his instincts. Eat it. The man twisted the dome cap off and made strong eye contact with the ice that sparkled right back at him. He carefully tipped the blue stuff into his mouth. It didn’t take long to register that this was, indeed, a reward he had earned. It was unlike anything else he’d ever tasted - nothing back at Yuheng came close to whatever this taste was. Several loud gulps came in quick succession and echoed around the gas station. The disciple took a quick step back to compose himself as he consumed more and more of the sweet ice, smacking his lips to savor the aftertaste. His heart rate shot through the roof, and for a moment thought his chest would burst from the feeling. It was as if he just indulged in pure liquid energy. He desperately struggled forward to keep his composure in an effort to reach the two elder martial disciples. His hand raised in a shaky, almost frantic wave. [color=silver]”Senior martial Yuri, L-luna...”[/color] the disciple pointed at the cup with wide eyes, [color=silver]”It’s almost suspicious how [i]good[/i] this is! What do the cooks prepare in these containers? Really, I’m starting to feel like the Yuheng Sect. has been depriving us...”[/color] his legs shook slightly as he took a big gulp, and then another.