"Me? Hmm, I suppose. You're suppose to be looking at fresh blood though." Scylla mentioned, slightly frustrated. She sighed, pushing it off to the side. She tried to not let every little thing her master said affect her since that would just turn her into [i]that[/i] again. There food had arrived in the meantime though! Hurrah! Her five or so meals were sitting right in front of her. There was a loud noise and rumbling all around them but she didn't really care too much about that. Food! She unwrapped the first burger and practically inhaled it. She had to chew a few times but it quickly disappeared into her stomach. She then shoveled a mouthful of fries into her mouth and those too followed after the burger. Then she started to wrap the second when her master spoke up. "Stage? What are you talking about?" Scylla asked with a raised eyebrow. It was at this time she finally raised her head and looked around. When was this play destroyed like this? Oh, right. There was an explosion-like sound and rumbling and loud noises around. "You want to do something about this?" The servant questioned, taking a more relaxed bite into the hamburger, a bit of ketchup smearing on the corner of her mouth. "Seems boring." She stated before shoving the rest of the hamburger in her mouth, making her look like a chipmunk with its mouth full.