She was too full of words for just tears, and before long they spill forth from her too. “I never remembered any other name.” She clung tighter. Wolf didn’t complain Or even noticed. She could’ve squeezed with all her might, and she doubted she could bend her an inch. “And, it couldn’t be right. Jackdaw isn’t a fox’s name. Jackdaw’s the name of, of,” Funny, how the words clawed to stay in her heart, when it was just the two of them, without a thing more to lose. But it was much too late for anything less than honesty. “A...cruel little bird. A thief. Who steals away treasured things it has no use for, and preens itself up like it owns them. Like they make it special. And, important.” “I just couldn’t be right. If I had my real name, I could, somehow, know who I really was. Except that wasn’t it. That wasn’t really it.” Why did you come down here, Jackdaw? What would bring you to this awful place? “I wanted to know I [i]wasn’t[/i] that. I wanted a name I could hold up as proof.” No great quest. No real prize she was after. She just...wanted to know she wasn’t trash. That she was [i]something[/i]. And not just a stupid pile of other people’s treasure. And now that she’d said it out loud, she could truly appreciate what a vain, horriblereason she’d risked her life for. Wolf didn’t complain. Or even noticed. She sat and stroked her head with the same care as when she didn’t know Jackdaw was a wretched, pitiful thief. Which was wrong of her, of course. Mistaken. Confused. Blinded. Deceived. Tricked. Duped. Fooled. On the cusp of regret. Instead of saying any of those or other equally suitable words, Jackdaw put her paw on top of Wolf’s, to stop her, and. Left it there. Maybe...she did have one more thing she wanted. Or, rather, seeing the miserable wreck of her dreams, she wanted something more than that. Wanted to [i]want[/i] something more than that. It didn’t feel fair, in this moment, to moan about her own troubles exclusively. So. She left it there. And waited for Wolf to take her turn. [Rolling to Speak Softly with Wolf: 5 + 5 - 1 = [b]9[/b]. What is her treasure? What is it that she wanted, all this time?]