[hr][center][h1][color=f7941d]Port-1[/color][/h1][color=f26522][h3]Hangar>Simulation Room[/h3][/color][color=7ea7d8]Hanson Seuclid[/color], Ayame Izumi, Sirius Free[/center] [@veenknight343][@Renny] [hr] Hanson worked on adjusting his suit, bothered by the sight of more bodies floating towards the simulators. It wasn't abnormal for some to view the progress via the various screens outside the pods, but it looked to be more than usual. He thrust the last of his tools into the kit and strung it around a pipe before pushing off to see what the fuss was over. Reaching the open foyer before the pods everyone was looking at the various screens for the scene depicted in the simulator. On the screen was a familiar scene of the remains of a One Year War battlefield, destroyed Musais and Salamis ships floating against the background of space while the remnants of mobile suits littered the field between. The three teams showed up as a Zeon, EFSF and Independent. Hanson watched as the AI effortlessly moved both squads forward towards one another from afar, more perfect in formation than capable by human pilots. The two piloted suits were entered into the simulator as well, stationed near a wrecked Magellan for easy cover. [color=7ea7d8]"Bit unusual for a five man squad. Still let's see how you two do..."[/color] Hanson eyed one of the open pods inside the room before looking back to the screens. The GMs split apart into a set of three and two individual units who began to drift away to each side. The Zeon mobile suits stayed together as they changed their course downwards, looking around the field for salvage. The three GMs accelerated forward while one of the lone GMs began to approach the wreckage of the Magellan hiding the pilots. As it encroached the Zakus located an open container and investigated while three of the zakus kept watch.