There'd be an air of silence after Jasper's cold words. There was an honest truth behind his words however. Violet would respond in a monotone voice. [color=violet]Thanks for the words of wisdom Walker. A pragmatic and rational thinker as always, it is very welcomed given the situation we're in. Forgive me if my tone comes off as cold or sarcastic, I genuinely mean this. I realized that already though.[/color] She'd lift her ball and start cycling it through different colors. [color=violet]When you have powers like mine, emotions can be... dangerous. You learn to take in every chance you can get to 'feel' something. But when the time comes, you seal them away as they'll do nothing but get you in trouble. I let my emotions get the better of me when we fought Keepa, but I won't let that happen again, you have my word.[/color] Violet said that as a way to remind herself of her own failures. If she was to be a leader, she needed to be a calm thinker. Walker's already shown to be competent himself so she had quite a bit of catching up to do. [color=violet]Still, it stings a part of me to know there wasn't much of a connection. Not sure what I was expecting, he found me covered in bugs in a jail cell unconscious.[/color] [color=darkviolet]At least I still hope it was 'covered'...[/color] [color=violet]Not exactly a 'fated meeting' but it doesn't change what's happened. Kite's given his all to protect me, that much is true and cannot be changed.[/color] Violet would sigh and regain her usual cheerful disposition. [color=violet]Even if I was the best of a bad situation, he's here with me now, and that's all that matters.[/color] She'd crouch down to Kite's level [color=violet]If you just need me to believe in you and some fairy magic brings you back...[/color] Violet would briefly touch her finger to Kite's nose, [color=violet]then I'll do just that whenever you need me to.[/color] She'd chuckle as she'd finish and stand back up. She'd have a resolved look in her eyes as she'd turn to Jasper. [color=violet]To answer your proposal Jasper, I don't intend to give up. I won't speak for anyone else, but if I'm to die, I'll die fighting. Hell in my mind, I've already gotten eaten by Keepa, and I've died in my own world. Who knows, maybe my third death will come with a prize?[/color] She'd chuckle softly to herself. [color=violet]If an army is out of the question then Walker's plan will have to suffice. An army would be too loud, noticeable, and bring too many variables to this. A few people could sneak in and complete this better than an army trying to brute force their way through. However, you did say something interesting, Jasper. You said people would be honored to take his place. Does that mean we can find a few more people to add to our muscle? We seem to be lacking in that at the present moment.[/color] Currently, their only fighters are Walker and Kite, not much help if they're outnumbered. Violet would place her ball under herself and take a seat. She'd sigh out a bit and give a guilty smile. [color=violet]Sorry if I made you worry Kite. Sometimes I can get pretty emotional, bottling it up can end up giving you a lot of extreme emotions. Consider it a bit of an outburst.[/color] She'd look back at Jasper. Mulling over Jasper's words, there was a lot said that was useful for the most part. Despite how cold it may have been, a lot of new information has been put on the table. [color=violet]You say that Kedvin's group is either people who gave up or born from people who gave up correct? How antagonistic will that make them towards us? It doesn't sound like they would get in our way, in fact, it sounds like they'd just let us go thinking us to be fools. Will they get in our way? If so, what do they stand to gain in doing so? Is it just a game to them?[/color] Violet would take her cold monotone voice again, [color=violet]If so, we can cull their ranks and take a few prisoners. They may not be useful for soldiers, but you don't need much loyalty to be a meat shield.[/color]