Vreta shrugged. “Perhaps being powerless isn’t the worst thing here? If everything goes to plan, the entity will be able to solve your problems with the Cradle. If not, well..we might not be able to do much ourselves regardless.” There were just a few seconds of silence before Vreta let out an audible sigh. “I know I’m not going to dissuade you. I’m not entirely sure why I tried, to tell the truth.” Vreta stuck alongside Freyr after Dr. Wetherall convinced them to get moving. Vreta had already been ready to leave, so he could simply follow her straight to the shuttle. “Well, at least I can take some comfort in the fact that we…might have some extra protection this time around. I was talking to Marae earlier and she thinks her emergency protocols are ready for their first trial run. She did stress to me, about seven or eight times, that she can’t guarantee they will work. She thinks they will, since they performed well in simulations, but the problem was more difficult than she was expecting. Still, the Rothians are going to have the protocols active on all our harnesses. I’d suggest you do the same for yours. Even if we can’t guarantee they’ll work, well, they only trigger in the event of Cradle death, so it’s not like it would hurt to have them. Hopefully, we won’t need them.”