[quote=@opticOpinicus] [hider=My Hider] • Character Name: Epesorn Mathmeldi (pronounced Eh-Peh-Sorn Math-Mel-Dee) • Character Race: Altmer • Gender: Male •Character Appearance: I would actually really like to draw Epesorn at some point! I might update this in the future. Until then, I've only got a description: He has long, blonde hair that is light enough to border on silver. He typically braided it while in Summerset, but stopped the practice when he fled; it now hangs loose. He has no facial hair. Epesorn is tall and golden-skinned, being an Altmer. He wears nondescript robes that are a light gray with yellow markings. They are enchanted to boost his magicka slightly. At his side hands his elven shortsword. Epesorn has light yellow eyes. • Short Biography: Epesorn was born in Summerset Isle in 4E 177, making him 28. His immediate family, who were around during the Thalmor coup, had a history of dissenting opinions about the new regime, but had the common sense to keep their heads down to avoid persecution. Epesorn disagreed with his family; he took pride in his country and dreamt of joining the ranks of the Justiciars. Thalmor propaganda was an enormous influence on his perspective. He had never seen or interacted with any of the human races in real life, leaving him to the assurances of the Thalmor that they were a filth to be cleansed. When he was of age, he began study, eager to make his extended family proud. Several years of Justiciar training gave him an edge in both combat and sleuthing. His teacher, believing him to be Thalmor material, decided he was ready for real cases, and secured Epesorn a spot as witness during an interrogation of a suspected Imperial spy; a Redguard who had gotten caught. Under torture, the Redguard confessed. Epesorn was unprepared for this and, despite the Thalmor ideology drilled into his mind, underwent a drastic paradigm shift. He was disturbed by the brutal treatment of the prisoner, which went contrary to his nature. Epesorn reunited with his parents and apologized, admitting they were right and the Thalmor were cruel. While both his mother and father were glad he was on the right path, they cautioned him to keep quiet or risk being targeted by the government. But Epesorn, being young, rebelled against the idea of doing nothing while atrocities were carried out daily. He spoke to his friends and acquaintances, telling them what he had seen, and wondering about starting something; a rally, perhaps, some way to spread awareness of what was really happening under the surface. He even began plotting to free the Redguard prisoner he'd seen. Word got to the Thalmor - a mole in the group, maybe, or an eavesdropper - and Epesorn was brought to the very same interrogation room he had served as witness for, charged with treason. Being Altmer, they did not torture him, but he was made to confess with threats to his family. He admitted to working to destabilize the Thalmor's grip - the height of dishonor. As a fitting punishment for his crime, he was cursed by his own teacher. If Epesorn spoke a command word - unknown to him - he would instantly and without recourse perish. This rendered him mute by choice for fear of activating the spell. He can still speak if he wishes, but every word is a risk. There are a few he's said accidentally that he knows are safe, but doesn't say them often because it's hard to explain his condition without speech. Furthermore, he was exiled from the Summerset Isles and Aldmeri Dominion as a whole, becoming an apraxic mer. His family and friends were not informed of why he disappeared, but the suddenness of it was enough for them to get the message, and they remain unaware of whether he is alive. Epesorn was made to sail to Hammerfell, where he was met with hostility and occasionally violence; the Redguards of Hammerfell had no love for the Altmer, and Epesorn was unable to explain his situation. He travelled further north to Skyrim, where he now lives as an outcast. •Personality and General Disposition: Epesorn is very opinionated and was, before the curse, outspoken, which resulted in his expulsion from Summerset Isle. He has a strong moral compass and believes firmly in his values. He's bitter about the curse and has been working relentlessly to undo or disable it. Epesorn is a bit of a pacifist, and will search for alternate methods of conflict resolution before settling with violence. He believes combat to be an art form - in the Dominion, it was taught that battles between mer should be regarded as beautiful and tests of skill, whereas if men were involved, it was more of a nasty job, one that no one wanted, but that needed to be done. He doesn't believe the latter any longer, but agrees that fighting should be something of a spectacle. He's willing to forge friendships in Skyrim, but given the climate towards non-Nords - and [i]especially[/i] Altmer - he's very wary around others. Epesorn has no problem with the Daedric Princes, but is as of yet unwilling to deal with them in any respect. He's skeptical about Talos' divinity, though this could be seen as a byproduct of his upbringing, and if debated on it he might not be able to really muster an argument for himself. He prays to the Divines equally. He shares a couple views with the Stormcloaks - namely, that the Aldmeri Dominion must be stopped. But the rabid xenophobia and intense nationalism drives him away from them just as much as any other non-Nord. • Allegiance/Loyalties: None - since becoming an apraxic mer he is a free agent • Equipment/Gear: An elven shortsword, made in traditional Altmeri style, enchanted with simple fire damage upon striking. No other possessions; when he left he was stripped of everything save his sword. • Skills and Abilities: As a Justiciar in training, he learned primarily destruction and alteration magic, plus the basics of restoration. He is by no means a master, but could reasonably defend himself. Epesorn knows how to handle his shortsword, and relies on it only when his magicka is low. He's always curious about other schools of magic, but never strays far from his comfort zone, preferring to read about the spells he doesn't know. And just a note... I don't intend on him being a major, pivotal role in the plot anytime soon, because a lack of extensive speech would obviously be an issue there. But I am thinking at some point the curse will be lifted, that would be interesting. Any ideas on that front are welcome. Also I'm surprised so far everyone's characters are male lol, I feel like I should have made a female character but I'll stick with what I've got. [/hider] [/quote] Seal 🦭 of approval. Accepted. I look forward to that drawing but for now your description works fine.