[h2]Corinne and Liliane[/h2] As she had said, Liliane got up to look at the boards, eyes flicking through the appropriate quests. It couldn't be too easy--those were dull and she didn't want to take any work away from those just starting out--but it also couldn't be something too hard due to Corinne's total lack of experience. Out of those that seemed the right range... ah, an extermination or an exploration quest? Whilst there was no doubt that magic would be an [i]efficient[/i] way of clearing out orcs, she just couldn't see the soft-hearted girl really taking that well as her first really combat-focused job. [color=skyblue]"Room for more? I'm looking for something less combat-focused,"[/color] the white-haired Hundi said, hearing the paladin's statement of interest. [color=skyblue]"Still getting Corinne over there used to adventuring."[/color] Neither of them fit the bill for "taller", only the guild's fairies and Nem were shorter than they were, but Liliane was reasonably well known as an experienced adventurer. Not so well-known, but hardly a secret, was that she'd gone on a trip to Ithillin and come back married--it didn't take a genius to work out where Corinne came into all this, then.