[quote=@Shu] Any of the [i]Under a Graveyard Sky[/i] books by John Ringo. I’ve never been a Ringo fan and honestly that series was just unbearable to me. I forced my way through the first book and honestly simply had enough a quarter of the way through the second. The characters are bland and hard retain, the dialogue is rather cringe at points, and the attempts at humor are so… pandering to the reader. That and there are other problems. As someone whose an apocalyptic junkie and enjoys zombie titles I feel like that me hating that series says a lot about it. From my perspective anyway. But yes those books or anything by Ringo and your in the negatives already. [/quote] I wanted so much to like John Ringo's books, but truthfully I couldn't get into it. Even his collaborations you can really tell which bits are his.