The wrapping on the door woke Mave with a start for the second time in an hour. She sat up in her shift, expecting to see Myriah making a run for the door to get away from an 'Aes Sedai'. Instead she saw the door swing open, revealing Ali, back lit by moonlight from the dusty window at the end of the hall. Even in the dim light his eyes all but glowed their strange shade of red. Without words she got out of bed and stepped towards him. "Trouble," Ali warned her and she paused, turned and grabbed her satchel as well as a shawl which she quickly wrapped around her shoulders. "What is it," she demanded as Ali lead her down the stairs to the common room. It was lit by the flickering embers of the fire and Darius' body was a lumpen shadow amidst a glistening pool of shedding blood. Mave felt her heart leap up into her throat. "You killed him..." Mave gasped, hastily lowering her voice. Ali shook his head vigorsly. "No... well yes... sort of," he stammered. The blood had spread far enough by now that crossing the room would soon be difficult. There was no way, short of burning the inn down, that it could be concealed now. Already people could be heard stirring, roused by the sounds of the brief and violent scuffle between the two men. "We need to get out of here," she breathed quietly. It was doubtful that Hollobrook had anything like a watch, but being caught at the scene of an apparent murder still wouldn't be taken very well.