At long last, here is my character sheet! Sorry life has been busy and it took me a while to get around to it. What do you think? [hider=Danielle Astrea Dallon] [Color=khaki]Name:[/color] Danielle Astrea Dallon [Color=khaki]Appearance:[/color] [img][/img] [Color=yellowgreen]Danielle is rather plain and average looking, never one to stand out in a crowd. She is not ugly, but "pretty" at best. Her hair is grown out long and is a strange blond that almost appears almost green in poor lighting, but golden in sunlight. Her skin is pale and somewhat translucent, making injuries and blemishes more apparent. Her eyes are hazel, some parts more gold and other parts more green in appearance. She has a small rump and chest, and slightly round belly. She usually wears plain, modest, but feminine clothes, particularly in natural shades of white, yellow, green, blue, and brown. Her hair is either worn down or tied in a loose braid. She rarely accessorizes, but if she does she wears natural gemstone jewelry or real flowers. Her hair and clothes are often covered in dandelion seeds.[/color] [Color=khaki]Gender:[/color] Female [Color=khaki]Age:[/color] 17 and 3 months [Color=khaki]Occupation:[/color] Student, 11th Grade [Color=khaki]Plant Essence:[/color] Dandelion [i](Taraxacum officinale)[/i] [Color=khaki]Superpower(s):[/color] [B][i]Dandelion Whispers:[/i][/b] With the use of magic or science we don't understand, Danielle can subconsciously send and receive messages through dandelion seeds. These messages can manifest as voices, images, dreams, or other sensations such as scents and tastes. - Dandelion seeds naturally gravitate toward Danielle from other sources or toward its recipient if sent by her. She does not and cannot control them consciously. - Dandelions seeds may pick up any thought or feeling (not just the ones directed at them) but they seem to gravitate toward people with strong emotions. - Dandelion messages are strongest/clearest if in direct contact with its source/recipient, but simply being near it is enough to recieve/emit its signal. - Like carrier pigeons, it takes time for seeds to find their recipients. - Simply being within 2 ft of somebody is enough for a seed to emit or receive a signal. - The power seems to have an effect up to a 2 mile radius around Danielle. -Messages usually only capture a sentence or two, or a vision/dream up to around 30 seconds long. - If a dandelion message sender is willing and intentional, Dani can tell who the message came from. If the message sender is unwitting and/or unwilling, Dani can receive a message but can't tell who it came from. - Danielle does not make or produce dandelion seeds. She must either carry some with her or rely on those found in her environment. [B][i]Light as Air:[/i][/b] Danille can make herself light as a dandelion seed, yet maintain her mass. This makes is possible to leap to great heights and almost fly as she floats on a breeze. [B][i]Solar Power:[/i][/b] Danielle's powers seem to be fueled by light from the sun and moon. She is strongest on sunny days and moonlit nights. During the winter and stretches of cloudy weather, she feels weaker. [Color=khaki]Personality:[/color] Danielle is a dreamer, always with her head in the clouds and a wish in her heart. She enjoys reading, painting, drawing, and just being in nature, stargazing, and cloud watching. Dani adores animals and could watch them for hours, but is afraid to touch or play with them. When interacting with other people, Dani is soft-spoken and polite. She is never one to raise her hand or voice. She is a good listener but never has much to say--or rather has trouble finding words. She dislikes small-talk and avoids social interaction, especially conflict. She is always the first to back down from a fight or argument. Despite her social avoidance, she still needs friendship or she will suffer from loneliness. [Color=khaki]History:[/color] Danielle's parents divorced while she was very young and she never got to know her own father. She grew up with her mother and three siblings in a trailer park, always afraid. Her mother was loving and gentle, but she fell for the kind of men who would get drunk and beat her and her children. Her family was poor, and so Danielle was bullied at her small town New Hampshire school for being "trash." Home was no better because she was tormented by her mother's abusive boyfriend. She would run away to the woods and hide for hours to escape the yelling, crashing, and thudding back home. On her 17th birthday, after an especially bad day, Danielle found herself clutching a dandelion, crying a waterfall as she blew the fluffy white seeds away. She wished for a new life and for powers like she had heard and read so much about, so that she could make a difference in her family and others' lives. Around a month later, Danielle began to have strange, vivid dreams, all involving dandelions. The dandelion seeds would tickle her face and gather around in swarms and lift her into the sky and heard toward the sunset, echoing her voice and wishes as they carried her away on a warm breeze toward the sound of crashing ocean waves. It was only just a week ago Danille learned that she and her family would be moving to the boyfriend's hometown in Florida. She would be leaving the only place she ever called home, her friends (if she could even call them that) and the forest she had grown so fond of. Now, like in her dreams, she will make her way toward the sunset and a new life... [Color=khaki]Miscellaneous:[/color] Speech color- Khaki Zodiac- Pisces Sexuality- Heterosexual, but not ready for or interested in romance yet. [/hider]