[@Double] [i] "Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you mentioned something called a 'Time Patrol' yesterday." he said to the short girl, not quite ready to let go of his bitter mood, "That tells me that you possess a means of traveling through time. So then why, pray tell, have we not used that to go back and prevent our Universes from being destroyed? Even if you had laws regarding time travel, I imagine this is a scenario in which those laws no longer apply."[/i] The Supreme Kai of time simply stared at Ovaan for a moment before she looked at the ground. "Don't you think we tried?." She said quietly as she felt her bottled up grief and sorrow beginning to rise to the surface. [i]"Don't you think we tried?!"[/i] She stormed towards Ovaan and was barely able to resist the urge to blast him with what remained of her strength. She didn't know if she could win against him at the moment and truth be told, she didn't care. "The universes that are destroyed are [i]gone[/i]! We tried going back before one of the universes was destroyed and all we saw was an empty void! Whatever was destroying them wiped them out completely! They're gone! All that remains of those universes are holographic projections on the Dimensional scanner!" Chronoa's hands were glowing with what remained of her power for a brief moment before she forced herself to power down. "I'm sorry. We tried to save them, we did. My Time patrollers are all dead now. They burned themselves to ash moving Conton city beyond the reach of whatever we're fighting. It seems we've all lost everything we knew and loved. The only thing we can do is make sure that this doesn't happen to anyone else." The Supreme Kai of the Multiverse watched the exchange between Chronoa and Ovaan with a somewhat intrigued expression with Tabaga and Okora preparing to intervene if anything were to escalate.