[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjExNi5iYzNjM2MuVTJWdVoyOGdWSE4xWW1GellRLjA/arthur-keith.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][indent] [i]CLANG! CLANG! CLANG--[/i] The hammer would not rise too high as the touch on his shoulder alerted him that someone else was there. Safety first and foremost--that's what Tetsu would say before ordering him to fetch the bottle that had rolled away under a bench. While in practice it was disguised as being in complete control of his actions at any notice, realistically speaking it was so he didn't go swinging the very heavy, very metallic, and very [i]hot[/i] hammer in surprise. The very last thing anyone wanted was to get hit, and since the village was so open with one another, it was common for anyone to come in at any time. Once Tsubasa looked over his shoulder, however, the space behind him was empty. Had he imagined the touch? Blinking slowly, he nearly jumped out of his skin when Keiko spoke, whipping his neck so quick it was a shock it hadn't rolled off his head. Relieved that he wasn't just imagining things, he cautiously set side the hot metal far away, deciding now was a good time for a short break. He couldn't help but think that it was very nice of her to visit him, especially when she likely had better things to do. Plucking his shirt from his skin, he took back his rag in his hand as he hastily wiped his face and neck. He was far from presentable, but he was sure she didn't mind. [color=firebrick]"Kei-chan, good morning,"[/color] He greeted her, slightly out of breath. [color=firebrick]"I wasn't looking for anyone, but I'm glad you're here."[/color] Taking a few seconds to regulate his breathing, as he smiled at the girl, something looked a little different. Her hair looked a little healthier, but that wasn't it. She looked more mature somehow, a little less like a girl and more...what was the word? Well, mature, but it was hard to say. She had always been on the thinner side, though he doubted Signkeeper Tomo would let her go hungry. It wasn't that she had gained weight in a bad way, though--aha! It was her chest! His stare lingered a little longer than he meant it to, eyes darting away as he became aware of his rudeness. Even if she did blossom into a woman, it was unbecoming of him to just ogle her like that. [color=firebrick]"You look nice today,"[/color] He decided to pay her a compliment as he fanned himself, leaning back against the bench. [color=firebrick]"It's nice to see you've grown up a little."[/color] [/indent][sub][right][@Asura][/right][/sub]