[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLmFiMGIwYi5WR0ZzYjI0LC4w/xerkerfw.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e4/0a/83/e40a83c9ab35d123c6cfdf2f31975e42.jpg[/img] [color=9e0b0f][b]Location: Training Grounds[/b][/color][/center] Talon felt the vines and leaves throughout Nymph's hair loosen their grip as Black Canary called off the rest of the sparring match. Talon felt a moment of his typical training as a Talon for the Court of Owls - leaving someone alive was not permitted. But then Talon could hear the supportive voice of Dick Grayson, and he felt his hand relax. He got off of his downed opponent, feeling a bruise develop in his thigh from the sliding tackle she used to knock him prone earlier. Doing his best impression of Nightwing's demeanor, Talon reached out to her with his hand. She clasped it and he pulled her upright. He was trying to think of something supportive to say. He was impressed by her resilience, and her willingness to change tactics mid-fight. Then he saw her face. Behind her eyes he could see that the intense nature of a fight can lead to a serious crash of emotions afterwards. Talon wondered if she had ever been in a real fight before. If not, that would be surprising. He wondered what her backstory was that lead her into joining the team. Surely it was more than just the potential of her abilities. She must have demonstrated their use to someone particularly vital - or maybe some vigilante heroism on the side? Suddenly, she burst into tears. Talon looked on in shock. He had no idea how to really console at this point. He froze with his hands up as if in defense - took half a step backward. He wasn't used to this kind of interaction at all! What would Dick do in this situation? What about Barbara? Or Tim? He seemed like a nice guy when Talon had met him, brief as it was. Talon started to say something, saw the tears in Daphne's eyes. Black Canary called out to her and told her to take a few moments to herself. She left the immediate area and Talon watched her go. Did he do that to her? Was it his fault she was this upset? Maybe. Probably. He should say something. The last two in their training group, Cybergirl and Rain, were squaring up together. As interested as he was in seeing both of them fight each other, his attention was still on Nymph. She looked disconsolate. She was sitting on the grass not too far away. Talon felt pulled in her direction. Missed whatever it was that Cybergirl had said to Rain. Seemingly without his blessing, his leg took a step towards Daphne, off on her own. Out of the corner of his vision however, Talon saw the ghost boy - Casper - Hex - walk towards her. Talon stopped. Perhaps it would be best for her to be consoled by someone other than himself. He was partially responsible after all. Plus, what would he say? He was betting that Hex would be far better to talk to in this sort of situation. Empathy poured off the kid like an open faucet. His social skills weren't up to par to help someone. He could listen, but wouldn't know what to say. He'd close up. He could communicate in things like the mission, but otherwise? Nothing. He felt a cold shiver throughout himself as he turned his attention back to Cybergirl and Rain.