[centre] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xOyB9Zp.png[/img][h2][b][color=fff79a] T O N T A[/color][/b][/h2] [i]In which a goddess eats a drakhorey, makes some dogs, and christens a great fucktard race.[/i] [img]https://web.archive.org/web/20091027142715im_/http://geocities.com/artists_tzora/images/flowerbar.gif[/img][/centre] [INDENT][indent][b]PREVIOULSY[/b]: After creating the drakhorey and the phoenixes, as well as trapping a drakhorey soul in a massive pillar, TONTA wandered around watching the world die! She saved no one until proto-MOUSE THE WISE told her to save the animal kingdom. In doing this she mixed all the animals into a great creation soup, which emerged as strange amalgamations on the shard - such as cloudy whales and octopi whose piss is the rain. She pledges never to save anything ever again. Later she observed mankind and, after stumbling on some kind of proto-furry cult, decided to destroy them by creating the ape/monkey race of the MONKILLI. She also created many other species and turned MOUSE THE WISE into a mouse for rejecting her generosity. Following this TONTA followed the spirits of the dead to the Underworld where she discovered demons feasting upon souls. She fights them and eventually comes upon the Path of the Dead and meets the death goddess Eku. The two battle but quickly find themselves complete in the presence of the other. They walk and talk until they reach Dol Arlessa, the ultimate resting place of souls before reincarnation. After having a great time together, the Festival of Death & Rebirth begins and Eku, to the shock of all, dies! Tonta and Umat, Eku's daughter, then leave Dol Arlessa.[/indent][/INDENT] Tonta, as you might imagine, was pretty pissed off. In fact, she had walked herself into an increasingly more pissed of state as she retreated down the Path of the Dead (and every soul who crossed her way knew from the stony glares she threw their way to give her a wide berth). So it did not help her mood in the slightest when she emerged back on the Shard to find that the world had turned into some kind of fiery hellscape. Mountains spewed fire and great burning boulders crossed the sky and lakes of lava congealed and simmered here and there. And the place seemed to have attracted her children for even now she could see some three or four drakhorey flying high above or wading through the flaming lakes or reclining on a rock here or there. In her pissed of state they seemed like a godsend, the perfect punching bag to take her frustrations out on. She battered the one who was peacefully reclining until her was a mess of flame and scales and blood, and when she turned to take out her furies on the others she found that they had swiftly vacated the area. She sniffed. It would have been nice to play with the others, but one was sufficient, she figured. She seated herself on a makeshift bloody seat and absentmindedly picked at her nose, wiping the bits of bogey off on the meat below her and sighing. "Fucking Eku," she mumbled with a slight yawn - because damn that was a long walk back down the Path of the Dead and it took a bit out of you. She toed at a bit of pooling lava as she rested, and she caused it to rise and fall and made fanciful shapes out of it. It struck her that one of the shapes looked quite a bit like a dog. She leaned forward at the thought and drew out the shape until a great lumbering hound of [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/826923862235021364/833368935092584468/721378a318e44721e4e1c84db5ada14d.jpg]rock and magma stood before her[/url]. She yawned again and watched it skulk off, then leaned back into the yet-warm meat mattress and closed her eyes. Now of all the things she expected to see when she woke up, weird walking drakhorey were not of them. She watched the strange [url=https://i.imgur.com/EPEooCy.jpg]drakhoric anthropomorphs[/url] for a few seconds as they milled about her nonchalantly, and then leaned forward so that a great serpentine drakhorey erupted from her back and snaked like lightning towards the biggest the anthropomorphs. One bite took out his head and torso. There was a brief pause... then the rest of him was taken up in a quick movement. Well. They weren't so nonchalant around her after that. In fact, they avoided her like the plague for a good long time, though every now and then she would spy one of them peeking at her from a distant ridge (perhaps thinking itself subtle or out of her range). After a time, one short and stocky one neared her - groveling and trembling and attempting to debase itself before her. She could see that it had something in its hand, and a quick inspection suggested it was some kind of offering. One of her serpentine appendages speared forth. The creature cried out and fell back, letting the offering fly, only for her living appendage to grab it and retreat to the reclining goddess, dropping the offering in her hand. She raised an eyebrow when she saw it. "Oh, but you're a cheeky one aren't you. A flower eh?" And not just any flower, for it had been made of cooled magma and studded with crystals and gems. It was no piece of art, but some effort had clearly been put into it. "Cute," she noted sweetly, then casually threw the flower back at the creature. It rooted itself in its skull and the creature fell immediately dead. "Lady." A voice rumbled. Tonta looked to the side and found the soul of the drakhorey staring at her. "Seriously. What's your deal?" "Oh, you're still here?" She frowned, "thought you'd have been sucked into demonville by now." The soul - and this was no blob, this was an enormous drakhorey soul - seemed to grow concerned at this, causing Tonta to smile. "Or, you know what, I think I'll keep you. What's your name?" She grabbed him and fiddled around with his tail. "Uh, Varak Adech," came his response. "What are you doing by the way?" "Just working on..." his body tightened all of a sudden and his arms and legs flattened, "that," and she swallowed his now-serpentine form and watched as, almost immediately, a new serpentine appendage grew out of her back. "And you know what, in your honour Varak Adech I will name these weird creatures that came out of you... Tontatites." "...how is that in my honour?" The new appendage gave her a quizzical look. "Yeah, I'm honouring your sorry arse by naming them after me," she explained. "Uh. Well. I'm honoured and all. But maybe don't honour me?" There was a brief pause, then a mumble. "[i]'cause that's the shittest thing I've ever heard.[/i]" "What'd you say?" Tonta snapped, eyes flashing. "Uh, I think you should go with something nice-sounding rather than trying to honour me. I am honoured enough anyway, chuffed to be... uh... some kind of extra arm for you. Or something." "I don't like your tone guy, but whatever. I'll call them Fucktards. Nice and easy to remember, and they'll be sure to know what they are." "Uh, how about something simple like, I dunno, varasons?" The Varak-appendage suggested. "More like sons of bitches, but yeah whatever, fucktard varasons it is. Hey, fucktards! Come here." And her voice seemed to summon the hundreds, nay thousands, of the strange creatures. The goddess lined them up and stood ceremoniously before them. She brought forth her stick and for perhaps a week walked from one to the next, boinked them on the head, and christened each of them "first fucktard... second fucktard... tenth fucktard... hundredth fucktard... five-hundred and thirty-seventh - or was it thirty-ninth, fuck this." It was in fact the five-hundred and sixtieth, but at that point she grew bored of the ceremony and picked one of them at random to continue it. On being thus chosen and elevated above the others he grew in size and seemed immediately more authoritative and commanding. Without hesitation, he continued the fucktard christening ceremony with great solemnity. Tonta, for her part, got to finding a way out of that gods forsaken hellhole. [centre][img]https://web.archive.org/web/20091027142715im_/http://geocities.com/artists_tzora/images/flowerbar.gif[/img][/centre] [list][*][hider=Summary]Tonta emerges from the underworld and is really pissed off. She kills a drakhorey and makes a bed out of his remains. She makes some weird volcano hounds (an ash species and a magma species). She then makes the (fucktard) varasons, a species of small anthropomorphic drakhorey.[/hider] [*][hider=MA Spent]Souls now take on the form of their physical body (this was actually done in the Eku-Tonta collab, but forgot to put in the MA summary). Create volcano hounds to stalk the Ashlands. Create sapient race: (fucktard) Varasons.[/hider] [/list]