As soon as they stepped from the safety of the Barbarossa and into the space station, a cocoon of military personnel with guns encased them on all sides. The station was busy, with crew from two dozen ships milling around the supply vendors and administrative hubs near the station’s centre. Around a third of them weren’t in uniform, who to Freyr looked anxious and scrambled to have their documentation validated. “Welcome to Cloud 9, this way please!” One of the stewards shouted over the din, motioning for them to follow. A half-dozen droids, similar to the ones Freyr had seen in Boycott Park, marched in front of their column, brusquely clearing a path through the scrum. “Stand clear! Caution!” They blared in grating voices. “Sorry we couldn't clear the deck for you and your team, ma'am. We're nearly there now - you’re all set for boarding.” “Thank you, that’s quite alright. Is it always like this?” Freyr asked, being jostled on both sides as their group squeezed through the throng. She felt 595’s firm hand on her back, holding onto her coat so they never lost contact. “No ma’am. Lots of non-military traffic gumming up the system this week... Everybody move BACK! This is you; have a safe journey.” Their military escort deposited them on a walkway heading to the airlock of a long, sleek cutter, seen through long windows on either side. A dozen CraSec operators in their distinctive armour waited for them at the end. After a quick document check, the airlock opened and they filed through in groups. The craft was very cool and breezy compared to the sweaty heat of the station. Three officials in formal suits and ties greeted them. “Welcome aboard SG-413, Dr Lang. It’s an honour to meet you.” The leader, a tall man with jet-black hair, shook her hand, before glancing quickly at 595, Vreta’Sori and Masgard Xandrus who flanked her. “I’m sorry we couldn’t roll out the welcome wagon for you properly - things are a bit hectic around here of late. Be seated, we’ll get you where you need to go right away.” The cutter detached from the space station almost immediately after everyone was on-board and seated. After about ten minutes it began its descent towards Babylon through dark rain clouds.