[url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/gotisch-weiss-unz1a-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210501/09e7b7f0ee18f05e3c4fcb30dc4a5443.png[/img][/url] From the moment she had kicked the door open Ekaterine had her shotgun trained on that abominable "Ryan" character, ready and waiting for the moment she could unload on the sly bastard. Her comrades from the other churches were soft, willing to give quarter when nothing but prompt destruction should have been offered. While it was true that there was goodness in offering tolerance to a foe in hopes that they surrendered intolerance was often the required trait. She had offered no quarter during her careers as a soldier of both God and the Red Army because her enemies had never deserved any. But in the interest of preserving her relationship with her softer coworkers Ekaterine had restrained herself. She listened and scowled as the snake simpered and acted the part of the charmer, watched her brothers waste their breath on the scum in an effort everyone there knew would be futile. All the way that damned armor kept playing, profaning a fine instrument with its twisted touch. Then a third party had burst in, a stranger babbling in Russian who had presumably been the one firing shots. He had come alone? An idiot then, soft in the skull and in need of a babysitter. [color=thistle]"Yes he is."[/color] Her frown only deepened as she regarded the idiot in the cassock. Another Catholic, perhaps drunk on sacrificial wine. [color=thistle][url=https://imgur.com/a/CNUsenM]"Вы придурок! Ты пытаешься быть убитым?"[/url][/color] There was little time for her fire off any other sort of rebuke, Ryan simply dematerializing before more of the Devil's minions rushed in. The time for parley had ended, now was the moment of decisive action. As the Satanists charged Ekaterine simply howled, channeling all her fury into a scream that could match anything produced by man or demon. The sound was harsh, hateful, as hard on her throat as it was on the enemy's ears and as Satan's whores got closer to her with their overwrought gardening implements it died down into unhinged laughter. They wore armor and so thought that they had an advantage but were sorely disappointed, the first hook slicing through her robe but bouncing harmlessly off the steel breastplate she wore underneath. Stepping back to avoid the second blow the Stravaphore raised her weapon and fired in one fluid motion, an explosion of holy powder blasting the fool who had swung for her chest. He was injured but not out, the physical protection provide by his infernal armor not enough to defend him from the Lord's hate that the pellets had been imbued with. Ekaterine racked the pump and fired again, burning a hole through her victim before getting interrupted by yet another cultist. That attack too did little, the impact unpleasant in the extreme but causing her nothing more than bruises. Defended by her faith she was free to press the advantage, swinging her weapon around to stab right through a chink in the billhook wielder's armor, his cry of pain drowned out by her triumphant shriek. [color=thistle]"Kill them slowly my brothers! Let them suffer on Earth before being kicked back to their master!"[/color] Yu's incense was intoxicating, its smell as empowering to her as it was sickening to the enemy. It cloud all thoughts except those of violence, removed any words from her vocabulary except [i]maim, smite[/i] and [i]kill.[/i] Putting all her weight into the butt of her shotgun Ekaterine drove the Satanist into the ground, his dying gurgles much more beautiful to her ears than the concerto that had been playing earlier.