[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210428/36c65cb812d5846e54d0a56dbefbecbe.png[/img] Emma turned to the man, a certain expression on her face that should have clearly communicated her displeasure with his choice of verbiage. [color=#dd61ff]“Mind your language,”[/color] she added rather sternly, placing her right arm around her son’s shoulder in a seemingly protective manner. More than likely, Ty hadn’t even paid attention to his words, but she was not all that concerned whether Ty had heard the guy or not, though she was certainly concerned with the way in which he expressed himself in front of children. But Emma was terrified as hell too. Nightfall was upon them, and the fog only seemed to thicken as seconds and minutes ticked by. Initially, she’d heard the chaos and like the lot of them, decided to investigate, leaving Ty behind after telling him to stay put. What she initially saw, the fog and the horror that seemed to come with it, made her rush back upstairs to reassure that Ty was safe. And it wasn’t just about Ty, either. While upstairs, Emma dialed her husband’s number, but she couldn’t get through to him. She then tried again, and she was as equally unsuccessful. It was then she had decided to go back downstairs once more, this time with her boy in tow. She wasn’t leaving him alone in the apartment, that was for sure. [color=#Dd61ff]“Could this be an act of war? Maybe we’ve been invaded…”[/color] The young woman trailed off, momentarily entranced by the fog.