[color=orange][b]Kassandra Location: Happy Harbour Interections: No one really [/b][/color] Kassandra’s orange eyes narrowed as she was chastised, yet again, by Zach. Her hands tensed into fists. What was his deal? What had she done wrong to make him angry at her? She wanted to say something, but realized it didn’t matter. Of course he hated her. Everyone else did. It didn’t matter the reason. She felt her logic was sound, going over the wall. Aleen’a was a surprise to even their trainers, which meant they had not considered super-strength in their training. Breaking through the wall would be impossible without her. Therefore, she wasn’t meant to be helping in that fashion. In conclusion – over the wall, not through it. But she kept it all to herself, even after Felix and Kila (or was it Ja?) seemed to agree with her. She shot them grateful glances, but kept her mouth shut. It had been made very clear that her opinion didn’t matter here. Why bother trying to convince them otherwise? So, she waited, hoping the wall would indeed crumble under Aleen’a’s strength.