[right][img]https://i.imgur.com/LgbtnEJ.png[/img][/right] Once she'd really committed to the whole not thinking thing, Imogen felt more like herself. When she stopped worrying about how things [i]could[/i] go and focused on what was actually happening, a wave of sureness washed away her fears and trepidations and gave way to a staunch resolve to keep her friends and the innocent villagers safe. As Clary had ordered, Imogen took the opportunity Princey gave them to maneuver herself behind the pack of bandits that advanced on him, moving swiftly enough that she had gone unnoticed. She used her speed to distract and annoy – hey, that was a valid strategy, right? She darted in and out for quick swipes and jabs that left shallow cuts at most, but bothersome enough to get them looking her way for a second or two. It might not have been enough to fully incapacitate one, but she figured it at least helped give Kel a chance to compose himself and defeat one (way to go, Kel!) and Clary to work her amazing magic light (yesss, Clary!). Before an especially disgruntled one had time to turn around and finally deal with her disruptions, Jory had taken care of him with another well-placed arrow through the neck. [color=ffb5c2]"Great job, guys!"[/color] Imogen called, scanning the vicinity for any other potential attackers. At least for now, it seemed there would be no more surprises from the back. Before they continued trudging forward, they were afforded a moment of respite that Imogen was immensely grateful for. A welcome soothing sensation settled upon her, like a balm on a burn she didn't even have. Or, crap, did she get burned without realizing it? Imogen patted herself frantically; although there was blood, none had been hers. Was that Kai's magic then? How cool! Her earlier exhaustion all but faded, making way for a renewed burst of energy that had her raring to go like she wasn't just running around like crazy just moments ago. Professor Mik led the charge forward and Imogen started to sprint alongside him, only to come to a sudden halt when a strong pull forced her backward. She looked up just in time to see something—someone?!—hurtling toward Professor Mik, and finding out that it had been Professor Euphie wasn't nearly as shocking as seeing the super blood-soaked axe and the behemoth who wielded it. [color=ffb5c2]"Oh, flying Pegasus dung, that is one [i]giant[/i] man!"[/color] Imogen had to crane her neck to properly look at him. He might have been five times as big, but she readied her sword without hesitation anyway. Der was closer and had been first to move in, attempting to exploit an opening against the giant, only to be outmaneuvered. He's big [i]and[/i] fast? How was that fair?! [color=ffb5c2]"Iz! Der!"[/color] Imogen called out a second too late, hardly getting the chance to step in before Iz was flung aside so effortlessly it was like she weighed nothing. [color=ffb5c2]"Damn it!"[/color] Gritting her teeth to contain her anger, she gripped her sword tightly, desperately wanting to charge at the giant for hurting her friends but unable to disregard the private warning bells tolling deafeningly loud against her ears. It was urgently pulling her attention toward the activity happening behind the giant instead and that could only mean it was the bigger threat, however unlikely that seemed. Imogen looked around; just like before with Princey, she needed a distraction so she could slip past the giant. Maybe she could throw a shoe at him? That's… probably unexpected, right? Luckily, Aubie seemed to have read her mind and hurled a spear across. He followed it up with some unexpected trash-talking that coaxed out a giggle out of her in spite of the situation they were in. She didn't squander the great distraction he'd provided, though. Once Aubie had gotten his attention, Imogen attempted to rush past, giving the giant a wide enough berth to avoid being within his range.