Diane watched the fairy and the nem depart to the board for a moment, before the paladin took up her view. "Ah, the Almaril job? Excellent," she clapped her hands together as she took the sheet, scanning it with her violet gaze, "The local clergy has been growing anxious. Seems they fear that someone far less scrupulous might catch wind of the discovery." Perhaps posting the information publicly was a poor way to avoid looters attempting to cash in on priceless religious relics, but then again it was truthfully the best way to get assistance given the apparent lack of disciples at their disposal for the moment. Perhaps they were banking in the appeal of exploration to the typical adventurer? Whatever the case may be, Diane retrieved her stamp, the official Estival Adventurer's Guild seal, from beneath the desk. "So, how many are accepting the job?" [@Raineh Daze][@Rune_Alchemist][@Darner][@Crimson Paladin][@Zoey Boey][@Pyromania99]