[h3]Black Hill Top - Black Well Estate: Meeting Mr. Anatole[/h3] Yuri had grabbed a few items of clothing and his necessary items and strapped the backpack containing it all to his back. They all left for Black Hill Top with the school librarian leading them. It was interesting how much she seemed to want to protect them even though most children liked to obey their parents. Perhaps she saw the outright ridiculousness of her mother's plan that she saw fit to ensure none fell victim to the Supreme's deadly desires. Still, Yuri would miss her. She gave him tons of wisdom and helped him learn how to do most of what he could do, and with the help of his aunts and self-studying, he'd come a very long way from the innocent little 10-year-old who had no idea what magic was or how to use it. They'd arrived at Black Hill Top and Yuri's senses screamed at him. He could sense spirits nearby, malevolent spirits watching and waiting. When he looked into the darkness he could see red eyes peer back at him. There were stories about Black Hill Top that would cause the hairs on the back of any magical being's neck to rise. Whether or not those stories were true remained to be discovered. As they continue on they came upon the Black Well Estate. Yuri's eyes shifted to the top window. He felt something, but his eyes darted to the surrounding woods and his eyes stayed there as everyone seemed to enter the estate and speak with Mr. Anatole. He was still standing there, the rest of the group inside when his trance was broken by the sound of howling. Yuri turned to see Lithy and Remy speaking to Mr. Anatole. Slowly he approached and lowered his head to show respect. "[color=7bcdc8]Mr. Anatole[/color]," he said as the old man ushered him in. "[color=7bcdc8]Thank you for providing shelter to all of us. We will try not to get in the way.[/color]" Yuri approached Remy and looked him in the eyes. "[color=7bcdc8]I don't like the feeling outside. It's very, I don't know, odd I guess.[/color]" Yuri didn't want to cause Remy to panic so he brushed off his own worry as if it didn't matter, "[color=7bcdc8]but I'm just being paranoid. I need to find somewhere to take a shower. Walking through the woods is not ideal. You wanna join me?[/color]" Yuri moved very close to Remy and accentuated each word of the invitation to join him in finding a shower. Teasing Remy was Yuri's way of making sure he was okay with everything. He hoped that if he wasn't, he would talk to him.