[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Vjtv5lb_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210419/b20e29e2aece398f677b72adcb18d2b2.png[/img][/center] [Color=silver][b]Location:[/b][/color] Happy Harbour [Color=silver][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Alisa [hr] Viktor listened quietly, while still holding Alisa's hand. He was not attempting to make her feel uncomfortable. If anything, he didn't even pay attention to her hand. Alisa's initial explanation of simply being a robot caused a slight narrowing in Viktor's eyes. The hint of displeasure was only brief, however, as Alisa further elaborated. [Color=silver][I]Is she not proud?[/I][/color] Though far closer than some of the other members of his team, Viktor was also not the typical human. He was raised by manipulations and little warmth to be a hardened soldier. His goals were the objectives set forth to complete his missions. Lied to about the nature of his father's death, all so he could keep focused and motivated. And finally, they primed him to be suitable in becoming much more than the typical man. Discovering the truth of his father and H.I.V.E. changed little. He was what they had forged, and his purpose was not all that different. Despite hating H.I.V.E.'s deceit, he was aware of what he was and believed they had created someone meant to be greater than anyone he might have become without them. He placed Alisa's hand at her side and released it from his. [Color=silver]"Yes, A. I have other questions, but maybe we can discuss them later. Perhaps we can discuss your fighting technique. Improve upon it."[/color] He offered.