Suzume listened intently as he talked about the upcoming fight with Jinto. If the only thing leveling the odds was the Pro-bending rules, then what was going to happen if there was ever a way to fight outside of the Pro-Bending Arena. "Of course I'll be there, someone has to be there to make sure you don't tear Jinto apart!" She let Makki guide her through the crowd, leave it to a water bender to know how to navigate any kind of river. She had to refrain herself from telling the joke, it seemed like it would come across wrong, Makki probably would have taken it well, but who knows. She smiled a bit when she learned that he would be taking Martial Arts, along with Chi and Chakras. It was interesting that he lived so close to one of the Spirit Portals she would have to ask him more about that later. The Spirits were a touchy subject in her house, as her 'father' didn't seem to want anything to do with them, and he would prefer if his family didn't have anything to do with them either. “I'm still not positive on what classes I want to take. I know that Martial arts, Chi & Chakras have made the cut on my list, it’s the other two classes that I can’t think of.” She sighed “I just need to get the most I can out of this school, otherwise it really will be a waste.” She turned red and started waving her hands in front of her face. “Forget what I just said, it has nothing to do with anything ever!” She stopped freaking out, and shrugged. “Diplomacy and Spirits might be a good combination with some of the stuff I already have picked out. I guess it should be a hard decision, but in a way I have a lot riding on this school.” She yawned and stretched her arms. “I guess I’ll be heading off to my room. Hopefully the next-door neighbors aren't being too loud.” She grinned at Makki. “See you at breakfast tomorrow!”