Darin clapped with the beat as she watched Ridahne dance with Ja'heil. It was clear that they were both passionate dancers, but Ridahne had a touch more skill. Ja'heil looked relived as he traded places with Ajoran. Darin clapped a long for a little bit at the start of the new song, but then promptly forgot to as she watched the perfectly matched dancers basically fly across from each other. They were in such perfect harmony, in such perfect synch, that if the Red Hand came in right now, Darin fully believed that the two of them would deal with the threat without even missing a beat in the dance. Darin was thrilled to watch and almost upset when the hypnotic spell was broken as they came to sit back down. She clapped vigorously, “Bravo!” She left off clapping as she leaned over the table, “Now that was a sight to see! I both eagerly await watching the two of you spar and dread it. That dance plus the inclusion of knifes and swords. I can only assume, correctly of course, that such a dance can be deadly.” She stood and tripped over the bench as she moved away from the table, “Ah ha!” She pointed at Ja'heil, “I told you! I’m clumsy!” She turned her attention to Ridahne, “I have on more errand to run tonight and then I am off to bed. I told you where I will be tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She bowed towards Ja'heil, “Thank you for your company this evening Hama Ja'heil. It has been an honor to get to know you.” She then pivoted about to head out of the dining hall, “Good night to all!” Then she was into the hallways of the building just as fast as she could go. Darin had to ask for directions a few times, but soon she was heading in the right direction. She heard Taja screech and held out a arm to catch him as he dove from his flight. Darin had a suspicion that Taja had been given leave to fly wherever he wanted in Tasen. She had yet to see another bird inside the building, but it was possible that she just hadn’t noticed them. She paused for a moment as Taja walked up to her shoulder and pressed himself against her cheek. It took a moment, but soon the bird was comfortably dozing, and Darin felt safe to begin her trek to the Sols’ audience chamber. Determined to be polite Darin stop at a respectful distance and bow slightly, “Good evening Sols.” She rose from the bow to look the Sota-Sol dead in the eyes, “I bring news from Astra regrading a peculiar weather pattern that will come to Tasen not tomorrow, but the next day. On that day it will rain steadily, but not enough to flood. The ground will be covered in water but will do no irreparable damage. The sky will remain grey.” She spread her arms out as Taja let out a mild sound of protest before settling down again, “Do you have any questions about this that I can answer for you and the people of Tasen?”