Mariette gave a mouse plush to Ruby. She honestly wanted to give her two plushies, because she instinctively wanted to give one to Sakura and one to Violet, but they were one person now. It would be more fair like this. Ruby placed a hand on her shoulder and said to meet her later… Mariette nodded. [color=077ae6]‘Alright. I’ll come find you when I’m done,’[/color] Mariette replied with an understanding tone, before turning and walking to hand plushies to more people. Mariette briefly inspected Kayli. This was the person Rose and Iris had talked about, huh. In any case, thank yous were given, [color=077ae6]‘Merry Christmas,’[/color] was said, and Mariette moved on. Mariette managed to produce complementary butterflies for Connie and Gaia, smiling as they thanked her. [color=077ae6]‘You’re welcome- eh-’[/color] Mariette was highly startled by MDP hugging around her after getting her unicorn. While quite uncomfortable with the contact, she let it be because Christmas spirit, and then received something in turn. Something for a good night’s sleep…? As a Horror girl, Mariette was often plagued with lack of sleep, she wondered how those powers would interact… [color=077ae6]‘… Thank you, Dream Princess. I’ll try it out,’[/color] she said, bowing to her, before putting the present down into a portal she opened. Mariette got a little wide-eyed when she produced a bunny for Shane. It wasn’t Bunny, he was safe, but still, she had a soft spot for bunnies. Still, it looked good on him. [color=077ae6]‘Merry Christmas,’[/color] she simply nodded, and then Melisa… Melisa was so tiny. Honestly, it was kinda bewitching for Mariette to look at her. And then, when she got the turtle to move with her, and then rode on it… Mariette’s cheeks flushed a bit. That was so cute. A somewhat flustered Mariette had to turn around and leave, she had more plushies to spread! Mariette approached the two girls, and stopped for a bit. Deni and Eli raised their gazes and looked up at her, Deni expectantly with a smile, and Eli with some amount of worry. Finally, Mariette reached into the bag she brought and produced a pair of bird plushies, each in the colours of their respective recipient (normal transformation), which the twins accepted. [color=077ae6]‘Merry Christmas, Ronin, Miko,’[/color] Mariette said. Deni grinned widely, while Eli got a kind little smile and curtsied a bit. [color=55B7AA]‘Merry Christmas, Mariette!’[/color] Deni said excitedly. [color=DC9495]‘Merry Christmas, Mariette,’[/color] Eli said, more calmly. Mariette nodded, and then kept going, leaving the two with their new bird plushies. Mariette was a little shocked at Sam just completely ignoring her. She was one of those she absolutely wanted to give something, due to the help at the mansion. [color=077ae6]‘I’ll… come back when she’s in a better mood,’[/color] she quickly determined as she handed one to Emily instead, nodding to the girl’s apologies. Oh, well. Guess she’d go give some others, then. Oros was as eccentric as ever, which actually made Mariette smile a bit genuinely. Mariette was momentarily worried that Oros would think Mariette was calling her a pig after that particular plushie was retrieved, but she seemed happy. Then Oros dropped the pig fact. [color=077ae6]‘Um,’[/color] Mariette didn’t know how to respond. [color=077ae6]‘Alright, later then. Merry Christmas,’[/color] Mariette said as Oros left for her date. Aria was a much simpler encounter in comparison. She got a racoon, and it fit her excellently. Mariette quickly moved on. [i]WHY IS ONE OF THOSE HERE!? Who invited it!? Are we all in horrible, horrible danger!? I feel like it should be way more powerful than Dan and could completely overrule Dan’s rules! I… I have to give it a plushie, don’t I?[/i] Mariette was very visibly frightened as she made herself approach to offer a plushie. [color=077ae6]‘M-merry Christmas?’[/color] she asked, as she offered one. She was also the closest one when it started declaring its intention. She didn’t really get it. Uh. Moving on. Mariette felt a bit scared that this particular exchange wouldn’t go well. But, it seemed Alicia wasn’t going to cause any drama during the Christmas party. Mariette was thankful for that. She quickly moved on, not to bother the girl with her presence any longer. Went off without a hitch. She got her ghost plushie. Hopefully it would comfort her in the rough seas ahead… Mariette had to ponder if Hilaria had somehow been able to just home in on the cheeseburger plushie or if there was some form of fate attached to it. Oh, well. Mildly uncomfortable with being patted, Mariette regardless nodded and continued on. The girl seemed to take her cow well. And then, with the joke… [color=077ae6]‘Pffth,’[/color] Mariette couldn’t help but exhale a little in amusement. [color=077ae6]‘Merry Christmas, Lily,’[/color] she quickly covered, and then was on her way to the next person. … Was this girl actually regretting her actions? She looked very awkward with Mariette. Still, Mariette didn’t want to talk to her more than she had to, and as such turned and walked pretty quickly. She had better things to do right now. Got another bunny. Lucky, Mariette privately thought. Bunnys are the cutest. [hr] Penny decided to throw herself into the snowball fight. [color=fcedae]‘P-Penny incoming!’[/color] Josefin called from the snow-fort that she and Taihei had quickly constructed for cover using their magic, the blonde girl quickly dodging out of the way, definitely outmatched. [color=c1eb9b]‘Penny…?’[/color] Lea looked curiously on who had joined the snowball-fight. The elvin monster girl smirked, lifting more balls of snow with her wind. [color=c1eb9b]‘Fufufu. Brave of you, charging straight into a gathering of our forces. Let us show you how-’[/color] -and her speech was interrupted by a snowball hitting her in the side of the face. [color=9c87c9]‘WE’RE NOT ALLIES HERE, IN CASE YOU FORGOT!’[/color] an excited Victoria-clone that had thrown said snowball at Lea, taking cover inside Tullia’s ice-fortress that was growing by the second. [color=c1eb9b]‘Grr. I’ll show you!’[/color] Lea changed her words, using wind to throw snowballs both at the Victoria-clones and at Penny! [color=C5DBE7]‘Penny…’[/color] Freya breathed out, looking over at her with slightly wide eyes. [color=C5DBE7]‘I’ve… been meaning to-’[/color] and then she too got interrupted by a snowball to the face. [color=fc6828]‘Dialogue later, fight now!’[/color] Mayra laughed, having just thrown that snowball at Freya. The dragon-girl then turned to smirk at Penny. [color=fc6828]‘I’m so happy you’d join us, Penny! I’ve been wanting to challenge you! Let’s do this!’[/color] she called, and soon enough more snowballs were being thrown, the battle flaring up additionally. To summarize the hecticness going on a bit. Josefin and Taihei were teamed up, using magic to build a snow-fort while Taihei was also using Gravity-magic to shield from other snowballs or throw them back. A weird amount of snowballs seemed to constantly slip through and hit her, though. Lea, Esther and Olivia were teamed and probably had the most firepower, Lea making and throwing snowballs with wind, Esther with branches and vines and Olivia with various spirits helping her. They didn’t have a lot of defense, though, beside some trees Esther was making for them. Tullia was creating this massive ice-fortress that was manned by an army of Victoria clones throwing snowballs, with ice-magic constantly [i]making[/i] new snowballs for them as ammunition instead of needing to go down to the ground to pick up more, they could all stand on the battlements and not run out of snow. Jelena and Mayra WERE teamed up, until Mayra dumped a large amount of snow into Jelena’s coat. After that, they split up and were on their own. Jelena, Mayra and Freya were therefore all three on their own, but the three of them were the mightiest physical forces of the group, so they could handle themselves fine with high speed and powerful throws. And that’s about that. [hr] [sub]collab with twave[/sub] After Mariette made her rounds handing out gifts, Ruby would track down the girl to talk. Wouldn’t be long most likely but the girl felt it was important. [color=crimson]”Mariette.”[/color] The djinn girl would run up. [color=crimson]”Hey, I need to tell you something important. Uh… probably should be a bit more private. Not that it’s a big secret.”[/color] Taking a look outside she would gesture for her to follow. Mariette was a bit tired from having needed to talk to everyone at the party, as a not super-sociable girl, so something more relaxing was in order… like a private conversation with someone she could relax around. That worked. [color=077ae6]‘Alright. Let's go,’[/color] Mariette agreed and followed along with the girl's move. Moving off to one side the girl would give a big smile. [color=crimson]”Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. Alright so, this might be a little awkward but… well you remember your friends the Djinn Sisters yeah?”[/color] She would start. Mariette nodded. [color=077ae6]‘I do. You're them, right? I can feel the wish still working…’[/color] she stated, smiling a little bittersweet smile. That, and she'd gotten a report from ???, who's monitoring the city and the people in it. Looking a bit surprised for a second, Ruby would nod and give her friend a hug. [color=crimson]"Yeah. I got the chance for a wish of my own and this is what I wanted."[/color] Snapping her fingers the Holiday theme would give way to her more Arabian garb for a minute. [color=crimson]"Tada. Eh… What do you think?[/color] Mariette hugged her friend back, then watch her transform back to her regular transformed self. [color=077ae6]‘It's what you wanted…’[/color] Mariette repeated, before making herself smile a bit. [color=077ae6]‘It looks great. It just, feels a bit weird. My two friends have become one friend. It feels, I don't know, lonely? Still, I'm happy for you.’[/color] She wasn't sure how to put it into words. She was glad that the change didn't seem to cause any issues. After a bit she would step back and let the Christmas attire return. [color=crimson]"Maybe a little bit. Because of Ilum we had a mental link so it was always like I was talking to myself in a way. I'm me again. Or at least as much as I can be as a magical girl."[/color] She would chuckle a bit. Mariette nodded, not entirely being able to imagine talking to someone else but feeling like talking to oneself. Were they that similar? They always felt so distinct… [color=077ae6]‘… Have I ever asked… who you were?’[/color] Mariette asked, realizing she may not have been a good friend having been too occupied to ask about her friends. The slight confusion was understandable. Mariette has been taking this very well. Asked about herself she would think about it for a moment. Well, she'd been telling her friends a little more lately. [color=crimson]"Ashley Granger. I was a snooty cheerleader. Usually people went with it, I was popular after all."[/color] [color=077ae6]‘Ashley…’[/color] Mariette repeated the name. She nodded, then next question. [color=077ae6]‘How old were you? How did you get picked up?’[/color] Mariette asked, deciding she wanted to know. [color=crimson]"16."[/color] She answered. [color=crimson]"I snuck into the back of a museum and knocked over a vase. My patron was inside and I made three wishes. I got what I asked for, but in the process became his servant."[/color] That had been many years ago now. Up until recently she didn't really dwell on it all that much. [color=077ae6]‘I see…’[/color] Mariette said, nodding to Ruby's story. [color=077ae6]‘I was saved by my patron. He saved me from my father. I followed him in gratitude… or so I would have told you. I never considered that I was never given the choice to not be saved. Why are patrons like that…?’[/color] Ruby would shrug a bit. [color=crimson]"I don't really know. I guess they just see us as tools or lower beings. Djinn are tricky, I should have known better."[/color] She would stop and think a moment. [color=crimson]"If you ever need some help or a place to stay my door is always open."[/color] Glancing around she would lean close so they could speak lower. [color=crimson]"Say, is that why your gift wish was what it was. Is that something you want?"[/color] She was trying not to go into specifics in case anyone was listening. Crazy magic and sneaky people. [color=077ae6]‘I know. I'm really happy that I'll always have that. Thank you…’[/color] Mariette replied to the open door part. Then, Ruby asked about that, and Mariette's lips parted as she sought the answer. She… really couldn't answer it without a small speech to do it justice. [color=077ae6]‘"Would I have turned out fine?" … It's a question I've found myself asking. If Asengav hadn't saved me, would I simply have died in my dad's basement, or would I have emerged at the end okay? Could I have survived to live a normal life? Or, would I have lived a broken life, never really recovered from my past?’[/color] [color=077ae6]‘I found myself wondering that, with no way to get the answer. I figured, "maybe others wonder the same thing", and as such I decided to make that my gift…’[/color] she explained, also with lowered tone. [color=077ae6]‘Th-that's not silly of me, is it?’[/color] she asked, worried. Ruby would pull out a little notebook and look it over for a moment. She would let out a small hum and close it again. [color=crimson]”Well… I can’t really help you with that directly. But maybe I can try and see if I can work something out so you can have a chance at being a normal girl. I can’t really make any promises.”[/color] [color=077ae6]‘Ah, wait. That's not it,’[/color] Mariette shook her head, but smiled a bit. [color=077ae6]‘Now that I'm involved with the magical world, I don't want to go back. I'd like to improve my position and get a better life, but I don't want to leave behind what I have. My gift simply ponders what would have happened if I wasn't saved… something like that. But… Thank you, for considering it.’[/color] Ruby would shake her head. [color=crimson]”Oh, well I couldn’t take away anything. But I was thinking maybe find someone that knows about the magical world and could be your mom or something. What do they call it? Guardian? I don’t know. Beacon does something with Fake Parents but I don’t think that’s a good fix.”[/color] She would think a bit out loud toward the end. [color=077ae6]‘Um,’[/color] Mariette blinked a bit as she thought about that prospect. [color=077ae6]‘Well, um, there’s… two, that could potentially already fill that role. One’s Su. Su offered to be my mom, after all this is over…’[/color] she said, looking away and looking a bit embarrassed. [color=077ae6]‘The other’s Joe. He’s an interdimensional tourist. He lets me stay at his house and eat the food he cooks. He’s nice…’[/color] Mariette blushed a little. [color=077ae6]‘… So if Su and Joe got married, that’d be perfect… teh-heh, Su and Joe…’[/color] The girl looked like she privately enjoyed entertaining that odd thought. [color=crimson]”Oh.”[/color] Maybe she didn’t quite have a feel for this friendship thing like she thought. Well no harm done. [color=crimson]”I see. Well then it sounds like you’re already on the right track.”[/color] She would brighten up. [color=077ae6]‘… Maybe. I’d have to embrace them, first,’[/color] Mariette commented. [color=077ae6]‘If possible, I’d like to help you with something, too. You’ve helped me a lot, after all. It’d be nice if I could do something in return.’[/color] [color=crimson]”Thanks. If I think of something I’ll let you know.”[/color] [color=077ae6]‘Good. Shall we return to the party, then?’[/color] [color=crimson]”Sure. There’s still a lot to coordinate for the event. I just wanted to be sure you knew and were okay.”[/color] She would head back toward the lodge. [color=077ae6]‘I understand. Thank you for looking out for me,’[/color] Mariette replied, and then they could head back. [hr] When they returned, Dan had shown up and started talking about how this would go down. Mariette listened modestly intently, when a spotlight showed up over her. She kind of went a little stone-faced awkward at this, but made herself smile and nodded. Then there was a mention of the Snowbuns. [color=077ae6]‘S-snowbu-!?’[/color] Mariette blinked wide-eyed at the little creature, the absolutely most adorable thing she’d ever seen. Dan finished his explanation of the game… and Mariette was gone. There was no sign of her where she’d previously been seen. Because she’d opened a portal and vanished. Where, might you ask? Obviously, she was standing on a portal above the island, spreading her arms and summoning her mystic power, opening arrays of portals across the island, applying both Absolute Direction and Awareness to track down the bunnies! She… had… to… get… them…! Then however she would catch one with her 4 agility was another issue altogether. Clever use of portals, hopefully…! [hr] [color=55B7AA]‘Hahaha, so that’s how it works!’[/color] Deni chuckled at the event. [color=55B7AA]‘Sounds fun! What do you want to do?’[/color] [color=DC9495]‘We could probably benefit from one of those Gold Coins from Snowbun hunting…’[/color] Eli said, smiling back to her sister. [color=DC9495]‘Still, I’d very much want to try sleigh-riding. It sounds like fun.’[/color] [color=55B7AA]‘Then we’ll find time for that! Now, hm?’[/color] Deni said, as she found herself having gotten a text message. She went to it, and… [color=55B7AA]‘Oh, Su! Alright, gotta answer this,’[/color] Deni said, smiling as she did. [code]”We’re okay! Thank you for last time, we haven’t been hunted down yet! How are you and Helga doing? We’re currently at the Christmas Party in Dan’s dimension! We got our own little Christmas Island! There’s a lot of people here! Will you be coming?”[/code]