(Collab between [@LuckyBlackCat] and OMNI. Sorry No banner but you can let your imaginations run wild) Arn followed the milling masses out of the Hall of Nourishment. His ears filled with sound as conversations of old and new friends floated in the wind. As the students dispersed to their respective dormitories, the cacophony of sound diminished. The cool night air, combined with the waft of fragrant flowers which adorned the common areas, left the young cleric feeling at ease and hopeful. Many things and many first had been experienced during the feast and the young dwarf needed time to sort them out. Thankful, unless a roommate had arrived late, which did not bode well, his dormitory would be a sort of solitude. While he would not begrudge a roommate, after all he had share many an open room with plenty of cadets, he would prefer to not have to interact more than necessary with his fellow students. As it was, his recent experience with all the new people he met left him exhausted mentally and emotionally. As if materializing out of his mind, the woodland sprite or fey or whatever she was, who had made him a bit uncomfortable due to her initial appearance in wet clothes that hugged her body much too efficiently, appeared to his right. Being polite and respectful, Arn looked in her direction and nodding an acknowledgement continued on his way hoping she would not try to initiate any sort of conversation. Karya had spent the rest of the meal trying to lift the mood, the decline of which she felt partly responsible. More wine had been involved, and her head buzzed pleasantly as she made her way through the grounds, but the talk of the disappearances still lingered in her mind. All the more reason to put 100% into the training tomorrow, she thought, clenching her fists as she separated from the crowd. To her left, she noticed someone looking her way. Through the darkness, she recognized him as Arn, the dwarf who hadn't said much throughout the meal, but had stood up for Selena. Karya responded with a grin. [color=76c429]"Looking forward to classes tomorrow?"[/color] she asked. In her slightly tipsy state, she didn't pick up that Arn may not have the energy to chat. [color=76c429]"Since we're supposed to bring equipment, the first one's got to be some kind of combat class, but I wonder what else there's gonna be?"[/color] Her eyes shone with enthusiasm, partly from curiosity, partly from fierce determination to succeed. The young cadet noticeably winced as more words than a simple good night passed the tan lips of the lady. He almost cursed himself for acknowledging her but he felt it would have been proper rude to ignore or pretend she was not there. He took a deep breath and forced himself to look in her direction as she talked. Her voice was pleasant, to him it sounded like the breeze that moves between the trees in spring mixed in with the tweets of birds. Karya. To her left, she noticed someone looking her way. [color=76c429]"Looking forward to classes tomorrow?"[/color] He nodded his response. Something in her gait told the dwarf that she was not entirely in full control of her person. The dwarf himself had drank only five or six mugs of ale but as dwarfs had much stronger stuff, it had not even dazed him. Still, the majority of his table mates did seem to have enjoyed a glass or two of wine or other drink. He hated to admit it but he would have to offer to accompany the girl to her dormitory. [color=76c429]"Since we're supposed to bring equipment, the first one's got to be some kind of combat class, but I wonder what else there's gonna be?"[/color] His baritone voice was calm and polite. [color=0054a6]“I am sure that each training and academic regimen is particularly tailored to each student. I am sure we will know more in the morning.”[/color] He continued to keep his pace which should have enabled her to pass him as easily as the other average size students were doing. She was almost a whole foot taller than he which meant that her strong toned legs would propel her at a much faster rate than his short muscular ones. The fact that she was staying with him meant that she wanted to talk which made the dwarf groan inwardly. Still, his requirement to be polite, coupled with his own sense of honor, did not allow him to try and evade his way out of the conversation and company. [color=0054a6]“Please forgive me if I am inappropriate, but do you require an escort to your room?”[/color] He did not know how else to ask if she needed help getting to her room as she looked buzzed. The young dwarf hoped she would say no and then this would give him the window to politely excuse himself. [color=76c429]"Sure, always good to chat along the way!"[/color] Karya replied. Even in her woozy state, she could probably find the room, and a ranger needed to know their way around anyway. Still, she wasn't going to turn down company. Right now especially, she didn't want to be alone with her thoughts. Her footsteps slow, and a little less graceful than usual, she kept pace with Arn as they neared the dorms. [color=76c429]"And yep, since we're all specialising in something different, I figured that'd be the case. Oooh, I hope there's some kind of crafting class! As for combat lessons, it'll be interesting to see people's fighting styles. Y'know, who'd be best as a team. Covering each other's weaknesses, playing to each other's strengths, and all that..."[/color] She was talking entirely too much, but she figured some lively conversation would help the tired-looking dwarf's energy levels, and ease any shyness he may be dealing with. Besides, the relentless chatter helped keep her troubling thoughts at bay. [color=76c429]"So, what kind of training are you going for?"[/color] Arn inwardly did a face palm. He had feared the response but knew that it was a possibility. However, the dwarf had hoped that the young girl would find his quiet and possibly grumpy looking demeanor as a detractor to accepting the company. He tightened his jaw as he steeled his resolve in seeing his offer through. The pair passed building after building. Each passing one the dwarf’s suspicions of possibly occupying the same building as the lively ranger increased. He continued along, his step tempo increasing just a bit hoping that once he delivered her to her room he could seek the quiet sanctuary of his own. Even if a roommate had materialized during the feast, Arn knew males tended to keep to themselves seeing other males as competition and those to be wary of. A sudden image of a blonde black robed mage came to his mind. Ok maybe not all males kept to themselves. The young cleric nodded as the young lady talked. He was not fully invested in the conversation but he was not rude enough to ignore her all together. The dwarf surprised himself when he actually offered his own opinion. [color=0054a6] “I must admit that it would be intriguing to see your skill in comparison to Finn Rineheart….” [/color] He stopped himself and quickly cleared his throat. What was wrong with him? Had he just truthfully shared what he thought? Maybe he had more Ale than he thought and it was messing with his self control. It would be best if he delivered the lady to her abode and got some rest. He found himself looking at the building number for his own dormitory. He looked up slightly at the lady and seeing as only a few more dormitories were possible for her to reside him he said reluctantly. [color=0054a6]“My dormitory is here but I will accompany you to yours if you desire.”[/color] Finn Reinheart. Karya recalled the human boy, his movements quick and agile as he'd leapt up and run across the table. [color=76c429]"That's a thought, I could challenge him to a sparring match. Practice for the duel."[/color] She paused, thinking over the teacher's words, hoping the fight would turn out in Finn's favor. The teachers wouldn't let anyone get badly hurt, right? As she neared her dormitory building, she was just about to wish Arn a good night and head inside, when he pointed out it was his hall of residence. [color=76c429]"I'm here too!"[/color] Karya beamed. [color=76c429]"Neat, so we're dorm mates!"[/color] Already knowing one the other residents made her feel more settled in. She kept up her chatting as he accompanied her along the hallways. [color=76c429]"We should throw a dorm party, get to know each other. I mean you never know who you'll be sent out on a quest with, so it's best to get along."[/color] On the subject, she wondered who her roommate would be. Hopefully someone who enjoyed company - and who wouldn't get too upset over the state of the bathroom. [i]The bathroom.[/i] She cringed inwardly. She'd almost forgotten about the soaked towels and steamed-up surfaces. That wasn't going to be a great first impression. On the plus side, maybe her roommate could help her get used to the school's technology. It wasn't long until they reached door 725. [color=76c429]"Well, this is my room,"[/color] she said, gesturing to it. [color=76c429]"Thanks, and later! Nice talking with you."[/color] If her roommate was already here, now to meet them. Arn only offered a grunt of agreement at her notion of fighting his so called cousin. It would definitely be a learning experience watching two rangers at work. The dwarf was also looking forward to the duel. He longed to duel himself and almost envied the young human. The brute was more suited to fighting him than a nimble ranger. The young cadet’s mouth almost hinged open at the declaration of inhabiting the same dormitory as his temporary companion. He felt as if he had gotten hit in the stomach and that it had dropped to his feet. The term “dorm mates” made a shiver run down his back and it was all he could do to keep himself from shaking. All he could muster was an [color=0054a6]“Ah.”[/color] He sighed and continued to follow her up the flight of stairs. The young cleric’s steps were heavy as if walking in full armor through mud. His head hung and he resigned himself to silent torture hearing her chat away. Each floor was a new hope that she would be leaving his company. Each floor was also a disillusion as his hopes were dashed when she continued their climb. Two floors, then three, now as they rounded the landing to head up to the seventh floor a sudden terrifying realization began to manifest in his mind. Could it be possible that they were in the same floor? The idea running into her more often than desired left a sour taste in his mouth. It would be best to drop her off at her room first then make sure he was not seen and go to his room. This way at least, she could not come knocking wanting to chat. When Karya finally announced arrival at her room Arn was so relieved that he barely caught the room number. He half smiled, more out of relief than politeness, and slightly bowed his head. [color=0054a6]“Then since you are safe at your door, I bid you good night.”[/color] Before she could say another word he bowed and shuffled off. It was not until he looked a few doors down that the numbers were increasing that he figured something was wrong. He retraced his steps and his horror grew. His eyes widened and his mind ran confused circles trying to decipher how his room could also be the woodland archer’s. He placed his hand on the door and heard the audible click. He was about to walk in when he decided to knock. Entering the room, Karya found herself alone once more. Well, alone except for Athena's company, but no roommate had arrived. Disappointing, yet something of a relief. Karya sank onto her bed, letting the facade fall. The calming buzz of the wine was giving way to alcohol-induced fretfulness. So much for trying to drink away her fears. [color=76c429]"She's alright, she's got to be alright..."[/color] she muttered. Taking several deep breaths, Karya attempted to pull herself together in time for her roommate to turn up. She turned her gaze from the floor to the crystal shard. [color=76c429]"Uh, all's ok,"[/color] she reassured Athena. [color=76c429]"Just rambling. Too much wine."[/color] [color=FFC0CB]"If you require water and sleepwear,"[/color] the ever-formal voice replied, [color=FFC0CB]"both have been provided for you."[/color] Karya's eyes widened as she spotted the glass of water by the bedside, and the pajamas folded on the pillow. Surely they hadn't been there before. Had school staff brought them in, or was this another part of Athena's magic? [color=76c429]"Yeah, water and rest sound like an idea,"[/color] she said. [color=76c429]"Not gonna sleep just yet though. Got to meet my roommate first."[/color] It wasn't a long wait; right on cue, she heard a click and a knock at the door. She stood and hurried over, putting up her usual cheery smile as she turned the handle. The figure in the doorway was one she hadn't expected to see again so soon. [color=76c429]"Hey again! Who'd have thought it?"[/color] She hadn't thought she'd room with a guy, and Arn wasn't the most talkative person, but he was polite and respectful at least. She'd help him settle in no problem. [color=76c429]"Looks like we've already got everything we need."[/color] She gestured around the room. Glancing at the bathroom door, she grimaced. Best to address this sooner rather than later. [color=76c429]"Well, that's the good news. The bad news is, uh, the bathroom. I can explain..."[/color] Arn waited. He hoped against hope that he was wrong and that the room he had dropped of the pretty woodland sprite was not his own. However, his hopes were dashed when the door actually opened and there she stood. All smiles and charm. The dwarf gulped as his mouth suddenly felt very dry. He dreaded the prospect of sharing a room with a female dwarf, let alone a female that many lads would find extremely attractive. He managed to lubricate his throat enough to manage a weak, [color=0054a6] “Um, yes Hi.”[/color] He was cut short by her melodic banter. Arn stood at the door unwilling to enter the same space that a lady was occupying. The young cleric waited until she had finished before he awkwardly expressed his view. [color=0054a6]“Ms. Karya, please do not take this the wrong way but I believe there must be some sort of mistake.”[/color] He kept his eyes down. He felt ashamed that he needed to address this with a lady and he definitely did not want her to feel unwanted but such a mistake could not be overlooked. He produced his acceptance letter/map and held it up straight in front of him so that the lady did not have to get closer than what as necessary. [color=0054a6]“See, it lists room 725. Could you have perhaps read yours wrong?” [/color] The inquiry was a long shot in the dark. After all, apparently the locks were attuned to the biometrics of the inhabitants. The only thing that would make sense is if the lock had sensed him nearby and opened allowing her access. The young dwarf was banking hard on this supposition but in the back of his mind, a whisper told him that she was here to stay. He fought back that thought and banished it to the dark recesses of his mind. However, before the young lady was able to speak, the serene voice of Athena chirped up. [color=ec008c]“There is no mistake. This room has been reserved for Arn Thurson and Karya of Brackenglade. Each room inhabitant is selected based on various criteria that ensures both members are complimentary to each other. Re assignment request are reviewed on a case by case basis. Both inhabitants have to be in agreement.”[/color] The dwarf’s mouth almost hung open as the magical assistant addressed the current situation. His eyes started to tear up. The logical aspect of it was undeniable which made his current plight that much more overwhelming. Knowing that he would not be able to win against a disembodied and probably vastly superior intellect of the magical gem, the young cadet instead appealed to his would be roommate. His voice was shaky as he addressed the woodland archer. [color=0054a6] “Um miss Karya, I hope you do not consider me unkind but I feel that we perhaps need to be re assigned.”[/color] Thinking of how to soften the bow he added. [color=0054a6]“You seem like a quite the endearing and nurturing person. Because of that, I feel your time would be best valued by somebody more deserving.”[/color] His face was contorted into an awkward apologetic smile. Karya's eyebrows furrowed as Arn teared up. Had she done or said something wrong? She'd tried to put him at ease, but it clearly hadn't worked. Maybe classes had been the wrong subject to discuss. Maybe it had made him nervous. When he suggested reassignment, and explained his reasoning - that she deserved better - she returned his smile with a reassuring one of her own. [color=76c429]"Aw, I'm flattered, but you don't have to move out,"[/color] she replied. [color=76c429]"I mean, you've been really polite to me. And Athena says we're likely to get along."[/color] She glanced at the magical crystal. How much did Athena know about everyone here? Unnerving as it was, Karya couldn't deny this was some fascinating magic at work, and Athena's judgement was likely correct. Admittedly she and Arn were rather different, his shy and reserved demeanour contrasting with her outgoing one, but she could help him out of his shell, couldn't she? And they could turn out to have some interests in common, or skills that would complement each other well on missions. [color=76c429]"Obviously I can't stop you,"[/color] she went on, [color=76c429]"but how about we try for a week or so before we make any decisions?"[/color] Arn felt the weight of the words she was saying fall on him like a ton of bricks or a cart full of drunk dwarves. It was not that the idea of spending time with the lovely woodland maiden seemed repulsive to him. In fact, it was the very opposite of that which made him cry out in the most undignified tone for a dwarf. [color=0054a6]“But Miss Karya please!”[/color] The last part reached a pitch that would elicit praise from a certain Tiefling and Siren who would be impressed at the range of his falsetto. The young cleric coughed and swallowed regaining his composure by slowly stroking his beard. He took a deep breath and in his most political voice tried to reason with his would be room mate. [color=0054a6]“Miss Karya. There is no personal dislike of you in my part. Indeed, as I have stated, you appear to be a very ideal roommate and I have seen enough of this school to believe that what Athena spoke was truth. However, I fear that occupying the same apartments would give rise to rumors that would besmirch your honor. After which, I would be honor bound to challenge.” [/color] He looked up at her, the truth in his words very apparent. [color=0054a6]“I would suffer nobody to tarnish your honor, not even me. Therefore, if you are indeed firm on the fact that you wish to remain int his dormitory, then I shall camp under the stars as I have done many times before.”[/color] The young dwarf turned to leave but another ping sound and the serene voice of Athena made him freeze in his tracks. [color=ec008c]“Please be advised that students are not allowed out of their dormitories at night nor to erect any non sanctioned campsites.”[/color] The blow of this announcement struck him like a well placed arrow to the back and he nearly arched it in real pain. He turned, looked at the crystal gem, looked at Karya, back at the mini Athena and gave a defeated sigh. He reluctantly entered his dormitory. He passed by his bed and grabbing his own set of pajamas, which he had spied while standing on the doorway, he mumbled just audibly. [color=0054a6]“I will be sleeping in the restroom for now. Please knock if you want to utilize it.”[/color] His head was hung and his arms to his side in the most spectacularly whooped visage one could hope. The last thing that the young woman heard before he closed the door behind him was . [color=0054a6]“Good night, may Stolara bless your dreams….”[/color] [color=76c429]"Hm?"[/color] Karya tilted her head. [color=76c429]"Tarnish my honor? What, just because we're a guy and a girl?"[/color] It didn't make sense to her. Even if people [i]did[/i] get the wrong idea, why would they think badly of her for it? Was this another part of cultural modesty? It seemed that way, judging by Arn's utterly despairing expression, and decision to sleep in the restroom. Karya winced. [color=76c429]"Ehh, I hope it isn't too much of a mess, with the towels and all,"[/color] she called as he trudged into the room at the back. [color=76c429]"You see, I had a little trouble with the artificial lake in there."[/color] Her presence had troubled him enough, and the state of the bathroom wouldn't help. She stared at the door for a few moments, wondering what would put him at ease. Something comforting to come back to in the morning... Her eyes scanned the room, settling on the plant pots. The shade and smell of a vibrant green canopy was comforting, apparently even to non forest dwelling races. She headed over to the plants and crouched, placing her hands on a pot and muttering an incantation. A green glow flared in the middle of the container as the branches shifted and grew. They spread across the walls, climbed up shelves, at a much faster rate than Karya had intended. She cringed as the pot toppled into its side, spilling soil everywhere. Maybe doing that while tipsy hadn't been the best idea, she thought as she righted the container and surveyed the overgrowth. She made sure to drink some water before changing into her pyjamas and climbing into bed. The first day of classes would be an important event, one she'd have to be well-rested for.