[Center][url=https://fontmeme.com/celtic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210329/0fb3244c815ed89cd1dc5427b350a8b1.png[/img][/url][/center] He frowned for a split second when Emrin didn’t acknowledge Liah and himself. Glancing down he wondered if he said or did anything wrong recently. He listened to their mission, and was fine with it...that was until he heard the rules which were placed on them. Sometimes he wonders about the wisdom of these masters. Couldn’t they simply just put one on them that paralized them if they sold/ or intended to take it for themselves? However he decided to hinder long range combat, and force them all to stick together essentially. Which would limit his ability to fight because he moved around. Brilliant. ‘Lets send students to get this extremely valuable relic, and hinder them at the same time. ‘ He sighed as the others asked questions, looking around at his new teammates. He noticed two other guys who seemed formidable. An odd girl..or guy, who was wearing a poncho backwards...Liah would love that. He was surprised to see she didn’t have a voice, scribbling her questions at an incredible speed. Apparently she was a hexer, with the way she asked the question and that only the one named Ryder had revealed he was a hexer as well. He was sure it was fine, as there were different fighting styles even between two people who used the same magic. But he decided not to bring it up as the meeting was clearly coming to a close. He nodded at the last comment by one of the teachers and said nothing. But once he was done he turned to leave, nodding to his new companions. He then left for his room to get a shower changing into some traveling clothes, and a very small backpack, with only a few changes of clothes and essential traveling gear. He could hunt for their food easily if they needed it. He inspected his prosthetics, quickly as well, doing any last minute matentince and making sure he had quite a few extra mana stones with him before making his way to the Carriage. He decided to not bother the others, and let them sleep… so he jumped ontop of the carriage. To be honest, he was lying to himself….he was just extremely awkward around people in a close space...His face turned red as he thought of the chance to sit next to Emrin and if she fell asleep. Not that he would do anything to her, just hope that she would rest her head on his shoulder. He shook his head as he was actually tempted, but the anxiety of making small talk with anyone else won out. Probably better if they had someone on guard anyways… and he wasn't tired at all. The trip was uneventful, and quick thankfully. At least to him. He sat up when he noticed the town in view, and immediately he felt….something was off… It seemed too quiet… even in this early morning, usually someone is getting their day started. Standing up, he unslung his bow and pulled three arrows out of his quiver and knocked the first arrow. He waited for a moment, listening and watching. He stomped his left foot three times to wake up anyone who was still sleeping before jumping off. On the right side of the carriage. He took a deep breath. He didn’t like talking, but he was drilled enough to push that down when there needed to be communication. He glanced back and said softly. [color=11890A]” Guards up, Something’s off...Liah, stay back with Emrin. Ryder, follow just behind me.” [/color] he looked to Ryder, who had a spear as a weapon. He had seen him in combat, and would trust him to know how to clear a room, even if he was using a spear inside. Then to the blonde, [color=11890A]”If you're fine in close quarters follow up behind Ryder. “[/color]Before making a glance at the darked haired one with a rifle. [color=11890A] “You can cover all of us.[/color] he said without giving anyone time to object as he turned and started to make his way to the Inn slowly. After a moment of checking around he opened the door to the inn, Quickly moving and looking around, turning with his bow up and the first arrow pulled back ready to fire. He stopped next to the fire on his left about five feet, giving enough room for Ryder and the blonde to come in behind him. They would immediately see that When they entered the inn there were 5 dead bodies scattered about and 3 sorcerers. One behind the counter who was holding a staff right in front of us, one on the far side of the room with a grimoire and one coming down from the stairs next to the counter had his dagger drawn.