[b][right]Kitchen -> Garage -> Da Street // Edge Tower // Seattle[/right][/b] Johnny had mental whiplash as he looked out the HQ's window to realize the sun was now closer to setting than rising. He rubbed his face, realizing he had slept the day away and cursed himself for staying out so late. "[i]Crikey[/i]" he said quietly to himself as he continued to collect various ingredients for his brunch-for-dinner. He grabbed some frozen waffles and stuffed them in the toaster while he took some leftover Chinese food out of the fridge. It wasn't a gourmet meal by any stretch but the groggy superhero had two distinct hankerings and he wasn't about to deny himself either just because the flavours wouldn't jive. Just as the toaster popped up his delectable snack, a commotion came about with the appearance of a golden invitation to super heroics. The little drone apparently belonged to one of the big wig heroes who was, evidently, in trouble. Everyone made a mad dash to get ready to go save for Johnny and Selene. Initially Johnny planned on going, bouncing in place as he prepared to dash for the door once he was done nuking his Chinese food but with Selene's own omission from the mission, Johnny decided to follow suit. "I'll stick around too!" Johnny called to the others "gimme a call if things get outta hand and I'll be there lickity split!" With the pressure off, Johnny was left in a now eerily quite kitchen save for the movie that was still running in the other room. The silence was broken by the microwave beeping letting Johnny know his unholy concoction of food could now be enjoyed. With the initial adrenaline spike subsiding, Johnny headed for the living room to see what was playing, only to be initially disappointed to see it looked like some chick-flick. That being said he was already in the room and his arse had found it's way to the couch so he figured he was in it for the long haul.