[IMG=http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh579/Gankona13/Simple-Ways-To-Get-Rid-Freckles_zps5e8807ad.jpg] What is your full name? My name? Abelia Nixus, but I'd like if everyone just called me Nix! Pleased to meet ya! How do you look? (You find this a strange question but decide to answer it anyway). Uh, well, I have my mom's eyes (large and dark brown; doe eyes) and my hair is also brown and cropped short, as you can see. I guess I could be considered fit, and I-I know boys who considered me "flat all around" and the freckles... Hmp, ask me something else, please. [i]She blushes vibrantly, obviously a bit uncomfortable. [/i] Describe your personality. Be honest, I will be able to tell if you lie to me. Heheh, you're kind of strange! Well, my friends back home always described me as blunt and fearless, and mom always said I had a bit of an attitude problem. Pfft, her nickname for me was "Stubborn Stacy". I like to think of myself as a friendly person, kind of dimwitted, and waaay too hard on myself at times. I just... want to put others before myself, ya know? [i]Her smile is faint, eyes dim.[/i] What house are you in? Do you feel you belong in this house? Gryffindor! I believe I was considered for Hufflepuff, but something must have inspired that little Sorting Hat to put me into Gryffindor. I'm not entirely sure I belong, though, I just feel kind of... Weak compared to others in this house. Ah, sorry! Confidence is dropping by the second! Let me pep up a bit... How is your O.W.L. and/or N.E.W.T. progress going? In other words, which classes do you specialize in? I had gotten Outstanding scores for Herbology and Potions on my O.W.Ls, apparently, and Exceeds Expectations on Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Charms. Everything else was Acceptable. I nearly failed History of Magic, though, but luckily got Acceptable on the retake. Heh, again, I'm not the sharpest knife in the shed... Is that the right saying? Anyway, I'm taking the N.E.W.Ts this year, so wish me luck! Do you play in Quidditch? Yes! I'm one of the Chasers for the Gryffindor team. It's so much fun ramming into others and flying around freely, I love it! But... I've always dreamed of being a Seeker! Ours graduated last year... Maybe... Heheh, never mind. [i]She smiles cheerily, but something is obviously on her mind.[/i] What does your Patronus look like? A deer! It's quite pretty, I'm not entirely sure how it fits me though. Do you have a pet that stays with you? Yes, my little black cat named Lux! He's quite the trickster. [i]A soft meow is heard, and a black cat glances up from behind Abelia's leg[/i] What are your most used spells? Herbifors and Lumos (I can't stand the dark!) (hopefully this is still open uwu)