"I taught you everything you know?" Morgana's tail twitched, eyes widening slightly. "While that's awesome, I don't remember doing that." The cat-being frowned. "I'm not a fan of this whole 'we did a bunch of stuff together, but Ren and I are in the dark' stuff." He looked to Ren, who nodded in agreement, but neither interrupted Ryoko as she wrapped up her explanation, the duo examining the app she showed them with wide-eyes. They couldn't even begin to comprehend that there was yet ANOTHER network that could access people's minds, let alone their subconscious. While the Thieves had a tremendous amount of experience in dealing with distorted desires, this was another level of infiltration they never thought possible. Did Lavenza work with Ryoko as well? What about Igor? Did she interact with anything in the supernatural for her to receive such power? Questions abounded, but it appeared that the only way they would be answered would be to trust her. "Of course I'm going." Morgana curtly stated, spinning to face Ren. "Are you ok with us going in there? I don't know how helpful I'm going to be in there and to think that this might cause you even more pain or worse..." Ren shook his head. "Don't worry; if there's anyone I want in my head, it's going to be you." Morgana beamed at the compliment, leaping in the air in excitement. "Well, let's get this going!" Ren's brow furrowed momentarily. "You mentioned you needed keywords like entering a Palace, right? How do you come up with those keywords?" He thought for a moment, then half-smiled. "If it's anything like entering a Palace, I can give you the keywords right now to get into this...interesting mind of mine." He thought for a few moments, glancing at the photos on the wall, the recent flashbacks he had recently about their exploits, the ennui that threatened to overtake him so quickly at times, the- "Ann Takamaki. Loneliness. Jaded." If the first didn't automatically trigger the nav app that Ryoko had, the other two keywords would most definitely do or he didn't know his mind as well as he thought he did. "Once you're inside, I'll do my best to try and guide you around, but I've...done some things to my mind to protect it." After Maruki warped the entire consciousness of Tokyo, he and the Thieves had worked together on cognitive exercises that allowed them to strengthen their resolve against potential distortions of reality. While the exercises helped a great deal in some of their later excursions, they also served to embitter the Thieves, make them see reality TOO clearly. "Don't worry, Ren; I'll get around them if I have to." Morgana leaped in the air again, his signature trademark move of excitement. "Let's get going!"